nagios_servicechecks inserts failed - XI 5.8.1

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nagios_servicechecks inserts failed - XI 5.8.1

Post by sparknagioshelp »

MYSQL insert query failed messages are showing on nagios.log. Could you please guide, how to resolve this issue.

nagios. nagios.log file is filling up with the below errors when the databases do not have any crashed tables.

[1620943773] NDO-3: The following query failed while MySQL appears to be connected:
[1620943773] NDO-3: INSERT INTO nagios_servicechecks (instance_id, start_time, start_time_usec, end_time, end_time_usec, service_object_id, check_type, current_check_attempt, max_check_attempts, state, state_type, timeout, early_timeout, execution_time, latency, return_code, output, long_output, perfdata, command_object_id, command_args, command_line) VALUES (1,FROM_UNIXTIME(1620943773),196054,FROM_UNIXTIME(1620943773),318785,7857,0,1,3,0,1,600,0,0.122731,0.000000,0,'OK: Used disk space was 15.40 % (Used: 0.85 GiB, Free: 4.63 GiB, Total: 5.78 GiB)','','\'used\'=0.85GiB;5;6; \'free\'=4.63GiB;5;6; \'total\'=5.78GiB;5;6;',0,'','') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE instance_id = VALUES(instance_id), start_time = VALUES(start_time), start_time_usec = VALUES(start_time_usec), end_time = VALUES(end_time), end_time_usec = VALUES(end_time_usec), service_object_id = VALUES(service_object_id), check_type = VALUES(check_type), current_check_attempt = VALUES(current_check_attempt), max_check_attempts = VALUES(max_check_attempts), state = VALUES(state), state_type = VALUES(state_type), timeout = VALUES(timeout), early_timeout = VALUES(early_timeout), execution_time = VALUES(execution_time), latency = VALUES(latency), return_code = VALUES(return_code), output = VALUES(output), long_output = VALUES(long_output), perfdata = VALUES(perfdata), command_object_id = VALUES(command_object_id), command_args = VALUES(command_args), command_line = VALUES(command_line)

mysqlcheck -u root -p nagios
Enter password:
nagios.nagios_acknowledgements OK
nagios.nagios_commands OK
nagios.nagios_commenthistory OK
nagios.nagios_comments OK
nagios.nagios_configfiles OK
nagios.nagios_configfilevariables OK
nagios.nagios_conninfo OK
nagios.nagios_contact_addresses OK
nagios.nagios_contact_notificationcommands OK
nagios.nagios_contactgroup_members OK
nagios.nagios_contactgroups OK
nagios.nagios_contactnotificationmethods OK
nagios.nagios_contactnotifications OK
nagios.nagios_contacts OK
nagios.nagios_contactstatus OK
nagios.nagios_customvariables OK
nagios.nagios_customvariablestatus OK
nagios.nagios_dbversion OK
nagios.nagios_downtimehistory OK
nagios.nagios_eventhandlers OK
nagios.nagios_externalcommands OK
nagios.nagios_flappinghistory OK
nagios.nagios_host_contactgroups OK
nagios.nagios_host_contacts OK
nagios.nagios_host_parenthosts OK
nagios.nagios_hostchecks OK
nagios.nagios_hostdependencies OK
nagios.nagios_hostescalation_contactgroups OK
nagios.nagios_hostescalation_contacts OK
nagios.nagios_hostescalations OK
nagios.nagios_hostgroup_members OK
nagios.nagios_hostgroups OK
nagios.nagios_hosts OK
nagios.nagios_hoststatus OK
nagios.nagios_instances OK
nagios.nagios_logentries OK
nagios.nagios_notifications OK
nagios.nagios_objects OK
nagios.nagios_processevents OK
nagios.nagios_programstatus OK
nagios.nagios_runtimevariables OK
nagios.nagios_scheduleddowntime OK
nagios.nagios_service_contactgroups OK
nagios.nagios_service_contacts OK
nagios.nagios_service_parentservices OK
nagios.nagios_servicechecks OK
nagios.nagios_servicedependencies OK
nagios.nagios_serviceescalation_contactgroups OK
nagios.nagios_serviceescalation_contacts OK
nagios.nagios_serviceescalations OK
nagios.nagios_servicegroup_members OK
nagios.nagios_servicegroups OK
nagios.nagios_services OK
nagios.nagios_servicestatus OK
nagios.nagios_statehistory OK
nagios.nagios_systemcommands OK
nagios.nagios_timedeventqueue OK
nagios.nagios_timedevents OK
nagios.nagios_timeperiod_timeranges OK
nagios.nagios_timeperiods OK

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs 12G 0 12G 0% /dev
tmpfs 12G 0 12G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 12G 1.2G 11G 10% /run
tmpfs 12G 0 12G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vg00-rootvol 7.8G 2.9G 4.5G 39% /
/dev/sda1 488M 130M 323M 29% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg00-varvol 5.8G 2.1G 3.5G 38% /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-homevol 2.0G 533M 1.3G 30% /home
/dev/mapper/vg00-tmpvol 2.0G 421M 1.4G 23% /tmp
/dev/mapper/vg01-logvol 9.8G 1.6G 8.3G 16% /var/log
/dev/mapper/vg01-applvol 976M 2.6M 958M 1% /appl
/dev/mapper/vg01-usrlcvol 41G 7.0G 34G 18% /usr/local

Thank you
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Re: nagios_servicechecks inserts failed - XI 5.8.1

Post by benjaminsmith »

Hi sparknagioshelp,

It looks like you have an active support contract, if that's the case for this product, please open a ticket at the following URL and we can assist with this issue.

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