A bit of background. Our IT team is pretty large with many administrators in XI. We have several XI instances monitoring different datacenters.
Recently we have had a couple of unique things occur:
1) A host is added saved, but CCM Config is not applied. This has been causing the monitoring engine to crash.
2) CCM Config is applied, but fails (typically due to a missing host template or something similar)
Training will be done to address these procedurally.
I'd like to create an alarm for both 1 and 2 in an effort to prevent the monitoring engine from crashing.
Has anyone else done something like this?
Answer: NXI runs on nagios core. XI's config is written to a DB and when applied the core config files are written and the nagios service is restarted.
Your #1 situation won't happen since if the config isn't applied, the core files aren't written and the service isn't restarted. If the config is applied but something isn't correct in the newly written core files, the nagios service may not start.
You might be able to look at the DB definition to see if there are tables with columns that you can make a SQL query run via a script that checks if 1 or 2 has occurred. The DB definition is in a pdf file that on their web pages.
Think about searching the internet about your question. It will give you a million possibilities in the blink of an eye.