SQL database error

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Joined: Thu Mar 23, 2017 12:09 pm

SQL database error

Post by acovi006 »

Good morning,

I was attempting to monitor a sql database and received the following error:

ERROR: [run_check] CRITICAL: Could not connect to odbc:Driver=FreeTDS:Server=x.x.x.x\MSSQLSERVER:dbname=CM_CCM:charset=UTF8 as hcpss\scomsa (Exception: SQLSTATE[08S01] SQLDriverConnect: 20009 [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist)

Please help!!!
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Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:42 pm

Re: SQL database error

Post by bbahn »

hello acovi006,

It seems you're having some connection issues with your database. To troubleshoot the issue, you can try the following things:

Code: Select all

ping x.x.x.x
from the XI machine that is to monitor the sql server. This will tell you whether it can be reached. If this fails, it means that the connection between the machine is obstructed or the server is down. If it succeeds, then it means that there is another issue at hand.

Even if the server is up and reachable, if your firewall settings prevent the communication, it will appear as if the server is down.

FreeTDS must also be properly configured to connect to the SQL Server. Check the freetds.conf file for correct settings.

You might need to specify the port explicitly if the SQL Server isn't running on the default port (1433).

Ensure that the user hcpss\scomsa has the necessary permissions to access the CM_CCM database.

Hope this helps. Don't hesitate to reach out if this doesn't solve your problem.
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