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Nagios XI restore/upgrade question

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 3:31 pm
by kevinmjacobsen
Hey all,

I think I know the answer but I figure I'll just ask here to be sure I have this all correct.

Current environment:
5.8.8 XI Web - CentOS 8 (NOT stream) - server01
5.8.8 XI Database - CentOS 7 - server02

Note: Upgrade from CentOS8 is not supported according to the System requirements for 2024R1
RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 7.x
RHEL 7 requires the Optional software channel to be enabled, further details are located here: Enabling RHEL Optional Software Channel
Oracle Linux 7 requires the Optional repository to be enabled, further details are located here: Enabling Oracle Linux Optional Repository
RHEL/Oracle Linux 8.x
RHEL 8 requires CodeReady Builder to be enabled.
Ex. subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
RHEL 9.x
RHEL 9 requires CodeReady Builder to be enabled.
CentOS Stream 8 / 9
Debian 10.x / 11.x
Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 / 22.04

I've got a backup from the above (35 GB).

I'm going to do a restore on ubuntu 20.04. The reason is that I have it on ubuntu 20.04 is that the 5.8.8 doesn't support ubuntu 22.04. Will not be on the same IP(s).

So, the first question - Do I need to restore this to the same 2 server config or can I restore to a single server?

Once restored I'll need to do some config changes including something about running something to redo the XI binaries due to the change in OS (from centos 8 to ubuntu 20.04).

The second question - What does that mean? Do I just rerun the xi 5.8.8 and run ./upgrade? Answer below

Answer to question 2 - according to ... r-892.html in the section Changed Operating System Version / Architecture / Family I run those commands to restore repair. I've verified both OS are running 64 bit (uname -M) so I don't need to worry about that for this test.

Then after I have to also do some IP changes and such.

After that I'm going to do the update to 2024R1. (I've tested this without the restore and it works great).

Then I'm going to make a backup from the ubuntu 20.04 and run the restore on my final destination ubuntu 22.04. I'll have to do the XI binary thing again). Here the setup is again Web on 03 and DB on 04. 03 & 04 are the new 22.04 hosts.

Last question - If I'm was able to go from 2 server to 1 can I now restore from 1 server to 2 server?

I posted about doing this upgrade w/o all this effort and was suggested about grabbing the cfg files and loading those. This didn't work so well and thus my final hope to get this to work.

Re: Nagios XI restore/upgrade question

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:05 pm
by kevinmjacobsen
Ok first things first.

When the guide says "It is important that there is enough free disk space..." they aren't lying! My new test system initially I built with a 500GB drive space. I ran out of space. I'm now trying with a 1TB drive to hope it works going from 2->1 servers. If not, my next step is to stand up a DB server and then off load to test. The joy of VMWare and making local backups of the VM prior to kicking off the restore.

I might just build a quick ubuntu 20 box so I don't waste time in case this attempt fails and I need the external DB. I'll update as I progress.