Error upgrading from 4.2.0 to 2024R1 on Debian

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Error upgrading from 4.2.0 to 2024R1 on Debian

Post by hebaw »


We're having issues running the latest 2024R1 upgrade on Debian 10 running Nagios Fusion 4.2.0.

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 Fusion 4 Incompatible with Installed Version

In order to upgrade to Nagios Fusion 4, you'll first need to upgrade
your version of Nagios Fusion to 2014r1.1.

You can find previous versions of Nagios Fusion here:

And don't you can reach out for help at the Nagios support forum:
This is my var/fusionversion that seems to be the one reporting the version. For som reason it is fairly blank and says "release=00". I tried manually changing this file to see what happened during upgrade. The installer finished, but everything broke, so I rolled back.

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Re: Error upgrading from 4.2.0 to 2024R1 on Debian

Post by ajcoil »

Hi @hebaw,

Thank you for reaching out!

Sorry to hear that you are having issues upgrading to 2024R1.

What did you change during the upgrade in var/fusionversion?
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Re: Error upgrading from 4.2.0 to 2024R1 on Debian

Post by hebaw »

I attempted to alter the release field, because that is what was blocking the installer, but I wasn't sure about format or anything, so I just increased it to 40 or something.

I rolled back, so no issues, was just "hoping" for a quick workaround.

Why does it say that I'm not on v4 when I clearly am?
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Re: Error upgrading from 4.2.0 to 2024R1 on Debian

Post by ajcoil »

Hi @hebaw

Since the var/fusionversion file appears to be missing some of the version information, the upgrade script is unable to properly do the update as it thinks that fusion is version 0 at the moment.

Make sure you have a backup, set that var/fusionversion file to reflect the following, and attempt another upgrade.

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# Nagios Fusion version information
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Re: Error upgrading from 4.2.0 to 2024R1 on Debian

Post by hebaw »

Okay, it seemingly worked, but after the upgrade, the dashlet doesn't display any metrics. The dashlets are all there, and the fused servers are all there. Test connection works.

However, the "latest" dashlets are blank, and summary just shows 0 for all fields, etc.

This is 2024R1 1.0.1.
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Re: Error upgrading from 4.2.0 to 2024R1 on Debian

Post by ajcoil »

Hi @hebaw,

Thank you for reaching out!

Glad to hear that the update went through this time, though I am sorry to hear the dashlets aren't reporting correctly.

If you click on "System" in the top right of the application, do each of the subsystems show a green checkmark next to them?
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Re: Error upgrading from 4.2.0 to 2024R1 on Debian

Post by hebaw »

Yes. They are all green.

Database Maintenance
Command Subsystem
Logging Subsystem
Polling Subsystem
Authentication Subsystem
Polling Locks

The item next to it is reporting green, Servers - "Everything is OK!"
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Re: Error upgrading from 4.2.0 to 2024R1 on Debian

Post by ajcoil »

Hi @hebaw,

Thanks again for reaching out!

The level of support this requires may exceed what can be expected on the forum, and to get further assistance we would suggest you open a support case on the answer hub with the link below.
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