Transparent Screen Saver / lock

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Transparent Screen Saver / lock

Post by adw »

Prupose :
I want to display a monitoring page (like Nagios) on a screen but protect it from accessing the system with a password.

Old time:
For this I used a trasparent screen saver on Windows ( but not OpenSource).

Does anyone how to perform this on Linux (or Windows with an OpenSource product) ?
If I could start it at boot time it will be must beter.
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Re: Transparent Screen Saver / lock

Post by danderson »

Thanks for reaching out @adw,

After some googling, I found this. You can have a browser up (on windows) with Nagios on it. I'm not sure if it will work as it hasn't been updated in a long time. I'm not sure if there is a Linux compatible alternative.
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Re: Transparent Screen Saver / lock

Post by adw »

I found a solution :
You need to login using Xorg as Windows Manager (and not Wayland as default) : When login to Ubuntu you have a Setting Icon and chose Ubuntu on Xorg).
If you don't use Xorg but Wyland some of the feature are not "locked" !

When you want to have your screen locked with a password but still display the screen activity ; type "xtrlock" in a terminal.
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