Can I deploy my Favorites to other users?

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Can I deploy my Favorites to other users?

Post by gregbeyer »

I have placed a number of screens and reports in my Favorites. These will be useful for sysadmin users as well. Is there a way to deploy my favorites to them, so that they don't have to re-create their Fav list manually? Just like Dashboards and Notification templates can be deployed to users.

If not, I guess my solution will be to demonstrate how Favs are added, and provide users a list of where to find the recommended items, and they can Fav them, themselves. I suppose I will maintain Fav lists for different user roles.

Would be nice if Favs could be re-ordered in addition to re-titling them and deleting. Either arrow up/down tool or drag/drop would work.

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Re: Can I deploy my Favorites to other users?

Post by ajcoil »

Hello @gregbeyer,

Thank you for reaching out!

Currently, there is no functionality to deploy favorites to other users. I agree these would be useful additions and have submitted a feature request for both deploying favorites to other users and re-ordering the favorites section!
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