I have a Ubuntu 24.04 Server with Nagios Version 4.5.8 installed. Communication with the NCPA agent on Windows Servers through the local network works perfectly and notifications remotes Windows Servers to connect to the NCPA agent through NRPD.
Now I'm at the step of being able to configure more types of notifications in the client than those that come by default:
%HOSTNAME%|CPU Usage = cpu/percent --warning 80 --critical 90 --aggregate avg
%HOSTNAME%|Disk Usage = disk/logical/C:|/used_percent --warning 80 --critical 90 --units Gi
%HOSTNAME%|Swap Usage = memory/swap --warning 60 --critical 80 --units Gi
%HOSTNAME%|Memory Usage = memory/virtual --warning 80 --critical 90 --units Gi
%HOSTNAME%|Process Count = processes --warning 900 --critical 1000
Let's see if someone could help me to be able to notify through passive nrdp notifications statuses such as that of a service, bytes of writing, bytes of reading, version of windows, updates Windows, etc.
Thanks again to anyone who can help me.
Hello @rafamicro,
You can use the given checks as reference for creating your own. You can also use the following documentation: https://assets.nagios.com/downloads/ncp ... Checks.pdf
Essentially, you form the check as
Note that host_name and check_name MUST match those configured in XI or else it will not recognize them and they will not be received properly. The given examples use %HOSTNAME% as the host name, which will substitute whatever you have set in your NCPA configuration file.
If you want something beyond what the NCPA API offers, you can use the plugins/ endpoint to extend NCPA's functionality.
You can use the given checks as reference for creating your own. You can also use the following documentation: https://assets.nagios.com/downloads/ncp ... Checks.pdf
Essentially, you form the check as
Code: Select all
<host_name>|<check_name> = <NCPA api endpoint> <options>
If you want something beyond what the NCPA API offers, you can use the plugins/ endpoint to extend NCPA's functionality.
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