cannot log into XI

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cannot log into XI

Post by JohnFLi »

I have 2 Nagios servers.... cA and ServerB

ServerA is old, and the OS doesn't allow me to upgrade nagios anymore, so I made ServerB.
Exported ServerA and inmorted to ServerB(different IP). Logged into ServerB XI and Core with regular username and password.

shutdown ServerA and change ServerB IP to original ServerA.

I can log into core just fine with regular unsername/password
not on XI, it tells me "Invalid username or password."
I even restarted the change.

i ran /usr/local/nagiosxi/scripts/ and it went fine without issue

I also tried 2 different browsers

to make matters MORE interesting. I change the IP address of ServerB back to original....log into Core just fine, Can't log into XI still. Is there anytype of Userlock after x number of login fails? (BTW, the user account is NOT connected to AD)

after changing the IP of ServerB back to it's orignal, still couldn't log in with my account.
I was able to login with nagiosadmin
looked at my account and it was locked. Unlocked it, tested and it works fine.

change the IP to ServerA again (serverA is off the network)
I still cannot loging with my normal account....I can login with nagiosadmin, but my regular account is NOT locked this time

any ideas?
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Re: cannot log into XI

Post by JohnFLi »


ok, so logg as nagios admin

went to
ADMIN/Manage Users/ then my account / edit

clicked on 'Generate new API key'

tehn hit save.

I was able to log in with my regular account.
Everybody is somebody else’s weirdo
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