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XI licence

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:59 am
by naparuba

If I am not wrong, the XI licence is not open source. Why not make XI open source and send service on it whereas send licences? Isn't the classic way in open source world? the community begin to be lost with XI : why not take Ninja or centreon instead of making a new product?
If XI began the new "standard" web interface, I will do like Zenoss with advanced features only in propritary code, and it lost lot of enhancement from the community (if an open source dev work on a tool, it want it to be full free, near free is not enouth).

This can break a big part of the community : Nagios will not be seen like an open source program anymore (the core yes, but if advanced features not?). It is more than dangerous, I think every one think about the icinga problem....


Gabès Jean

Re: XI licence

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:31 am
by egalstad
Some very good reasons:
1. We created some of the code for other client projects and license some of the tech that's in XI
2. We love focusing on building a really kick-butt software product
3. If we want to continue to build and support our products (both commercial and OSS), we have to pay for our developers and tech staff and infrastructure costs

The community hasn't lost anything. The OSS components are still OSS and there are plenty of web interfaces available to the community - including the Core CGIs and whole bunch of options at: ... Interfaces. The difference between a) Nagios Core and Nagios XI and b) everything else that's out there is its "official" status and whether or not we'll support it now or in the future.

We've got a number of tools and addons that are planned for inclusion in future XI releases that will be under an OSS license and will work with Nagios Core. The community will benefit from those developments, as well as our increased ability to support the OSS project and OSS community initiatives as a result of our commercial endeavors.

I've been and OSS developer for over a decade and am continuously surprised by people that think everything should be free just because its related to OSS. People have even thought they should be able to get support and consulting services from us for free! If we came out with an OSS interface and offered "pro" proprietary/commercial advanced reports and features (like many other OSS interfaces/options out there do) there would probably be people who would have a problem with that.

I am not a believer that everything should be free all the time. I buy plenty of proprietary commercial software because it *solves my problems*. And that's exactly what we're doing with XI - solving problems.

Re: XI licence

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 7:57 am
by naparuba
I was afraid that enhancement will be only for the XI/propietary in the future, but if there are OSS addons for the core it's great :D . I though that you can earn enouth money with only support/services but if the OSS part is still realy alive, still go on and is not just a glorious name, it's you're choice after all.

When XI will be officially available, really insists on the fact that the OSS part will not be stay behind because I was not the only one that is fear by a OSS Nagios that do not have new features and so on ;)