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check_nt!MEMUSE showing wrong info

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:00 am
by lafargeuser
using Nagios Core 3.4.1.

I'm using check_nt!MEMUSE against a Windows 2008 server. The server has 32GB of memory, but the check is showing 64GB. I'm seeing this on all servers of 2008 64 Bit.
due to i am not getting alert, if Mem utilization breach above 90% threshold which we have set.

However, this type of behaviour i have not seen in XI. What can be done in this case ?

Re: check_nt!MEMUSE showing wrong info

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:10 pm
by jsmurphy
The memuse check will by default include page file and virtual memory... if you go into the NSC.ini you will find a line that reads like:
alias_mem=checkMem MaxWarn=80% MaxCrit=90% ShowAll=long type=physical type=virtual type=paged type=page
If you want to only display physical memory then change it to:
alias_mem=checkMem MaxWarn=80% MaxCrit=90% ShowAll=long type=physical

Re: check_nt!MEMUSE showing wrong info

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:16 am
by lafargeuser
Did chaneges. But still it is not showing physical memory.
if this is known issue. how to get over this.
Badly need solution because monitoring 2000+ servers.

Re: check_nt!MEMUSE showing wrong info

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:16 pm
by jsmurphy
It's not really an issue... it is intentional. The above solution is the only way to change it that I know of, though that was for NSClient++ 0.3.x and may have changed for 0.4.x

I would suggest logging a support ticket on the NSClient++ site as you will get the most accurate information from the developers and if there is a bug they will be the only ones who can fix it: (to create a ticket you need to register).

Hopefully you get the help you need!

Re: check_nt!MEMUSE showing wrong info

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:34 am
by lafargeuser
is this the bug of NSClient ?

I dig more in to & found below script. Is this can be use to get Physical memory, If yes how can i use this. Do i upload this to on nagios server.Pls help how can i move further with this script.

# Script to check real memory usage
# L.Gill 02/05/06 - V.1.0
# ------------------------------------------
# ######## Script Modifications ##########
# ------------------------------------------
# Who When What
# --- ---- ----
# LGill 17/05/06 "$percent" lt 1% fix - sed edits dc result beggining with "."
USAGE="`basename $0` [-w|--warning]<percent free> [-c|--critical]<percent free>"
THRESHOLD_USAGE="WARNING threshold must be greater than CRITICAL: `basename $0` $*"
# print usage
if [[ $# -lt 4 ]]
echo ""
echo "Wrong Syntax: `basename $0` $*"
echo ""
echo "Usage: $USAGE"
echo ""
exit 0
# read input
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
case "$1" in
# verify input
if [[ $warning -eq $critical || $warning -lt $critical ]]
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Usage: $USAGE"
echo ""
exit 0
# Total memory available
total=`free -m | head -2 |tail -1 |gawk '{print $2}'`
# Total memory used
used=`free -m | head -2 |tail -1 |gawk '{print $3}'`
# Calc total minus used
free=`free -m | head -2 |tail -1 |gawk '{print $2-$3}'`
# normal values
#echo "$total"MB total
#echo "$used"MB used
#echo "$free"MB free
# make it into % percent free = ((free mem / total mem) * 100)
echo "5" > $calc # decimal accuracy
echo "k" >> $calc # commit
echo "100" >> $calc # multiply
echo "$free" >> $calc # division integer
echo "$total" >> $calc # division integer
echo "/" >> $calc # division sign
echo "*" >> $calc # multiplication sign
echo "p" >> $calc # print
percent=`/usr/bin/dc $calc|/bin/sed 's/^\./0./'|/usr/bin/tr "." " "|/usr/bin/gawk {'print $1'}`
#percent1=`/usr/bin/dc $calc`
#echo "$percent1"
if [[ "$percent" -le $critical ]]
echo "CRITICAL - $free MB ($percent%) Free Memory"
exit 2
if [[ "$percent" -le $warning ]]
echo "WARNING - $free MB ($percent%) Free Memory"
exit 1
if [[ "$percent" -gt $warning ]]
echo "OK - $free MB ($percent%) Free Memory"
exit 0

Re: check_nt!MEMUSE showing wrong info

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:25 am
by sreinhardt
Hi lafargeuser,

This script definitely would work for a linux host that you might try to monitor. You would need to install a version of NRPE on the machine and have this script locally there. Nagios then can schedule a check where it executes this and collects the results from the remote host. Based on your previous mentioning of nsclient, my guess would be you are working on Windows hosts, where this would not work as bash is not a language for Windows. I will see if I can find something to help you out, if jsmurphy doesn't respond first.

Re: check_nt!MEMUSE showing wrong info

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:21 pm
by jsmurphy
jsmurphy wrote:The memuse check will by default include page file and virtual memory...
jsmurphy wrote:It's not really an issue... it is intentional.
Let me put it more plainly: THIS IS NOT A BUG.

As Mr. Reinhardt explained the script you provided is for monitoring Linux and will not work for Windows. For more information on how to use CheckMem and why it's displaying information you do not expect please refer to:

In particular look at the section that details checking physical memory :).

Re: check_nt!MEMUSE showing wrong info

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:31 pm
by slansing
As Jsmurphy stated, this is not a bug. The only way to change what type of memory CheckMEM returns information for is by setting the variable:

Code: Select all


If you are still having trouble getting this to return the physical memory percentage please show us exactly how you have the command defined as if it were going to be ran on the ssh terminal. This way we would be able to show you what may be causing this.

Re: check_nt!MEMUSE showing wrong info

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:56 am
by lafargeuser
However, I am able to get physical memory using below command
[root@vshimsnagioscore libexec]# ./check_nrpe -H -p 5666 -c CheckMEM -a MaxWarn=80% MaxCrit=90% ShowAll type=physical
OK: physical memory: 671M|'physical memory %'=32%;80;90 'physical memory'=671.09MB;1638.04;1842.8;0;2047.55

But how to configured the same in Nagios.

I tried below steps but didnt show physical memory which i can see above
Nagios Configuration:
define command {
command_name <<CheckMEM>>
command_line check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -c CheckMEM -a MaxWarn=$ARG1$% MaxCrit=$ARG2$% ShowAll type=page
<<CheckMEM>> 80!90

Re: check_nt!MEMUSE showing wrong info

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:56 pm
by jsmurphy
./check_nrpe -H -p 5666 -c CheckMEM -a MaxWarn=80% MaxCrit=90% ShowAll type=physical
command_line check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -c CheckMEM -a MaxWarn=$ARG1$% MaxCrit=$ARG2$% ShowAll type=page
Spot the difference in your commands (hint: it's in bold) ;)