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email notification not going out

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:02 pm
by happy

I have recently installed nagios and have configured hosts to be monitored. Everything is now working except email notifications are not going through. I have limited experience with Linux and this is my first attempt with Nagios as well.

I am on CentOS 6.3 and am trying to get Postfix to send email using my exchange server for smtp.

I have made configuration changes to /etc/postfix/ that look like this:

mail_owner = postfix
myhostname =
mydomain =
myorigin = $myhostname
inet_interfaces = all
mydestination = localhost,
mynetworks = 10.x.0.0/16,
home_mailbox = Maildir/

- I can use mail command on the server to send email to local accounts (ie, root, nagios) ... no problem
- I have verified that my my CentOS box is able to telnet to my exchange on port 25 ... no problem

However, Nagios is not able to send out email. So I tried it with mail command to send email to my exchange email address. This is what shows in my maillog file

Nov 28 23:13:39 CentOSServerName postfix/smtp[10188]: connect to[10.x.x.x]:25: Connection timed out (my dns/ad server ip)
Nov 28 23:13:39 CentOSServerName postfix/smtp[10189]: connect to[10.x.x.x]:25: Connection timed out (my dns/ad server ip)
Nov 28 23:13:39 CentOSServerName postfix/smtp[10189]: connect to[10.x.x.x]:25: Connection refused (my second dns/ad server ip)
Nov 28 23:13:39 CentOSServerName postfix/smtp[10189]: connect to[10.x.x.x]:25: Connection refused (my third dns/ad server ip)
Nov 28 23:13:39 CentOSServerName postfix/smtp[10188]: B4C1E809BB: to=<>, relay=none, delay=23723, delays=23693/0.02/30/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to[10.x.x.x]:25: Connection timed out)

From the logs it appears that Postfix is trying to send email using my dns/ad server instead of mail server that I mentioned in the file! How can I force it to use correct server to send out emails? I must have overlooked something.

I would really appreciate if someone can identify the disconnect here.

Many Thanks!

Re: email notification not going out

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:04 pm
by happy

Just to update that the issue is resolved. I needed relayhost entry and had to correct my hostname!

Re: email notification not going out

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:08 pm
by agriffin
Glad you got it resolved!