How does "Duration" work in Nagios UI

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How does "Duration" work in Nagios UI

Post by TSCAdmin »


I have a linux server whose uptime is

$ uptime
11:36:32 up 58 min, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

and at the same time when I look at the Nagios XI's web interface it shows
the only field I am interested in is Ping which shows 1h 3m 2s, I guess it's because my check time is 5 minutes so it's showing 5 minutes forward. But sometimes it happens that my server has been up and running for many days but it shows 34 minutes as an example.

So, I was just wondering how does it work?

Thanks in advance :)
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Re: How does "Duration" work in Nagios UI

Post by tonyyarusso »

Duration is how long it's been since the service state last changed. The 34 minutes example just means that a check came back as something other than Ok at some point. As far as being longer than the server's been up, my guess is perhaps the "initial service state" was set to Ok, so it counts the time between adding the service and the first check result.
Tony Yarusso
Technical Services