NDOUtils - Installing NDOUtils


This document describes how to install NDOUtils from source.

This guide is broken up into several sections and covers different Linux distributions and operating systems. If your Linux Distribution or operating system is not included in this guide then please contact us to see if we can get it added. Some distributions may be missing as we don't have access to a test environment that allows us to develop the documentation.

NDOUtils 2.1.3 is what this guide instructs you to install, however future versions should also work fine with these steps.

Note: This guide is based on Nagios Core being installed using the following KB article:

Documentation - Installing Nagios Core From Source

You should always install the latest version of NDOUtils as Nagios Core will not start if an incompatible version is used. The most recent release of NDOUtils will always work with all versions of Nagios Core.


Nagios XI includes NDOUtils and hence you should NOT follow this documentation.


Please select your OS:




RHEL | CentOS | Oracle Linux


Installing MySQL or MariaDB is required.

===== CentOS 5.x / 6.x | RHEL 5.x / 6.x | Oracle Linux 5.x / 6.x =====

yum install -y mysql mysql-server mysql-devel


===== CentOS 7.x | RHEL 7.x =====

yum install -y mariadb mariadb-server mariadb-devel


===== Oracle Linux 7.x =====

cd /tmp
wget http://repo.mysql.com/mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm
yum update
yum install -y mysql mysql-server mysql-devel perl-DBD-MySQL


Start And Configure MySQL / MariaDB

Before configuring MySQL / MariaDB you must start the service and configure it to boot on startup.

===== CentOS 5.x / 6.x | RHEL 5.x / 6.x | Oracle Linux 5.x / 6.x =====

service mysqld start


Check that it is running:

ps x | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

 1969 pts/0    S      0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid --basedir=/usr --user=mysql


Configure it to start when the system boots:

chkconfig --add mysqld
chkconfig mysqld on


===== CentOS 7.x | RHEL 7.x =====

systemctl start mariadb.service


Check that it is running:

ps ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

2781 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --basedir=/usr
2938 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --log-error=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log --pid-file=/var/run/mariadb/mariadb.pid --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock


Configure it to start when the system boots:

systemctl enable mariadb.service


===== Oracle Linux 7.x =====

systemctl start mysqld.service


Check that it is running:

ps ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

 1292 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe
 1760 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock


Configure it to start when the system boots:

systemctl enable mysqld.service


Define MySQL / MariaDB Root Password

Now to define the password for the root account in MySQL / MariaDB.

The password being defined is 'mypassword' and will be used in future commands (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The 'single quotes' are used to define the boundaries of the password, this is extremely important when the password contains a space or special characters.

/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'mypassword'


Password Note:

In future commands you will see the password is provided using the -p argument like follows:

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


NOTE: It's very important to NOT put a space between the -p and the 'mypassword'.


Create Database

NDOUtils requires a database to be created which will be called nagios.

There will also be a dedicated user account called ndoutils with the password ndoutils_password (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The storage location of the database will be the default location that MySQL / MariaDB uses, this can be changed however it is not covered in this guide.

This command will connect to the local MySQL / MariaDB database engine interface.

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


Now execute these four commands (press Enter after each command):

CREATE USER 'ndoutils'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ndoutils_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nagios.* TO 'ndoutils'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION ; 


Now you can exit the local MySQL / MariaDB database engine interface.



Run this command to ensure that the database has been created:

echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password' -h localhost


The last command should output something like:



Linux Kernel Settings

NDOUtils uses the kernel message queue for transferring the data from Nagios to NDOUtils. We are going to increase the default values the Kernel boots with to ensure it operates optimally.

First create a backup copy of the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf_backup


Now make the required changes:

sed -i '/msgmnb/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sed -i '/msgmax/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sed -i '/shmmax/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sed -i '/shmall/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "\n\nkernel.msgmnb = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.msgmax = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.shmmax = 4294967295\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.shmall = 268435456\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -e -p /etc/sysctl.conf


The last command should output something like:

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
kernel.sysrq = 0
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
kernel.msgmnb = 131072000
kernel.msgmax = 131072000
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
kernel.shmall = 268435456


There is no need to reboot the system, the last command ensured the new settings are active in the kernel.


Downloading NDOUtils Source

cd /tmp
wget -O ndoutils.tar.gz https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/ndoutils/releases/download/ndoutils-2.1.3/ndoutils-2.1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf ndoutils.tar.gz


Compile NDOUtils

cd /tmp/ndoutils-2.1.3/
make all


Install Binaries

This step installs the binary files.

make install


Initialize Database

This prepares the database for NDOUtils.

cd db/
./installdb -u 'ndoutils' -p 'ndoutils_password' -h 'localhost' -d nagios
cd ..


The command will produce output similar to the following:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist at ./installdb line 52.
** Creating tables for version 2.0.1
     Using mysql.sql for installation...
** Updating table nagios_dbversion

That first line of output that says failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist is expected, it's testing to make sure the database hasn't already been intiaialized.


Install Configuration Files

This installs the config files as well as configuring the MySQL / MariaDB credentials so NDOUtils can connect to the database.

The two config files are:


The following lines are defined in this file:


You should make sure the username and password are correct.



No changes are required in this file.


Using the default username and password the following commands install the configuration files and make the required changes.

make install-config
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i 's/^db_user=.*/db_user=ndoutils/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i 's/^db_pass=.*/db_pass=ndoutils_password/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg


Install Service / Daemon

This installs the service or daemon files and configure them to start on boot.

===== CentOS 5.x / 6.x | RHEL 5.x / 6.x | Oracle Linux 5.x / 6.x =====

make install-init


===== CentOS 7.x | RHEL 7.x | Oracle Linux 7.x =====

make install-init
systemctl enable ndo2db.service


Information on starting and stopping services will be explained further on.


Start Service / Daemon

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting the ndo2db service.

===== CentOS 5.x | RHEL 5.x | Oracle Linux 5.x =====

service ndo2db start


===== CentOS 6.x | RHEL 6.x | Oracle Linux 6.x =====

start ndo2db


===== CentOS 7.x | RHEL 7.x | Oracle Linux 7.x =====

systemctl start ndo2db.service


Update Nagios To Use NDO Broker Module

Now you need to tell Nagios to use the NDO broker module. This is as simple as adding the following line to the nagios.cfg file:

broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg

The following commands will add that line as well as an extra line that explains what the module is for.

printf "\n\n# NDOUtils Broker Module\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
printf "broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg 


Restart Nagios

Now you need to restart Nagios to use the NDO broker module. Different Linux distributions have different methods of restarting Nagios Core. We will also check the status of the Nagios service to ensure it's running after these changes.

===== CentOS 5.x / 6.x | RHEL 5.x / 6.x | Oracle Linux 5.x / 6.x =====

service nagios restart
service nagios status


===== CentOS 7.x | RHEL 7.x | Oracle Linux 7.x =====

systemctl restart nagios.service
systemctl status nagios.service


The last command should show Nagios running:

===== CentOS 5.x / 6.x | RHEL 5.x / 6.x | Oracle Linux 5.x / 6.x =====

nagios (pid 5345) is running...


===== CentOS 7.x | RHEL 7.x | Oracle Linux 7.x =====

● nagios.service - LSB: Starts and stops the Nagios monitoring server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-10-04 12:31:00 AEDT; 22s ago


Check NDOUtils Is Working

There are a couple of different ways to ensure NDO2DB is working.


This command will show Nagios successfully loaded the NDO module:

grep ndo /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log


The last command should output something like:

[1475544660] ndomod: NDOMOD 2.1.1 (09-06-2016) Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors
[1475544660] ndomod: Successfully connected to data sink.  0 queued items to flush.
[1475544660] ndomod registered for process data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for timed event data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for log data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for system command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for event handler data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for comment data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for downtime data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for flapping data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for program status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive program data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive host data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive service data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for external command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for aggregated status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for retention data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for state change data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'
[1475544660] Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.


This command will show you the database with populated data:

echo 'select * from nagios.nagios_logentries;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password'


The last command should output something like:

logentry_id    instance_id    logentry_time    entry_time    entry_time_usec    logentry_type    logentry_data    realtime_data    inferred_data_extracted
1    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868450    262144    ndomod registered for log data'    1    1
2    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868462    262144    ndomod registered for system command data'    1    1
3    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868467    262144    ndomod registered for event handler data'    1    1
4    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868472    262144    ndomod registered for notification data'    1    1
5    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868479    262144    ndomod registered for service check data'    1    1
6    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868486    262144    ndomod registered for host check data'    1    1
7    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868491    262144    ndomod registered for comment data'    11
8    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868496    262144    ndomod registered for downtime data'11
9    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869866    262144    ndomod registered for flapping data'11
10    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869878    262144    ndomod registered for program status data'    1    1
11    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869884    262144    ndomod registered for host status data'    1    1
12    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869888    262144    ndomod registered for service status data'    1    1
13    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869893    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive program data'    1    1
14    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869897    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive host data'    1    1
15    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869902    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive service data'    1    1
16    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869906    262144    ndomod registered for external command data'    1    1
17    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869911    262144    ndomod registered for aggregated status data'    1    1
18    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869915    262144    ndomod registered for retention data'1    1
19    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869920    262144    ndomod registered for contact data'    11
20    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871043    262144    ndomod registered for contact notification data'    1    1
21    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871055    262144    ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'    1    1
22    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871062    262144    ndomod registered for state change data'    1    1
23    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871067    262144    ndomod registered for contact status data'    1    1
24    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871072    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'    1    1
25    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871077    262144    Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.    1    1
26    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    874858    262144    Successfully launched command file worker with pid 6026    1    1


Service Commands

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting / stopping / restarting / status ndo2db.

===== CentOS 5.x | RHEL 5.x | Oracle Linux 5.x =====

service ndo2db start
service ndo2db stop
service ndo2db restart
service ndo2db status


===== CentOS 6.x | RHEL 6.x | Oracle Linux 6.x =====

start ndo2db
stop ndo2db
restart ndo2db
status ndo2db


===== CentOS 7.x | RHEL 7.x | Oracle Linux 7.x =====

systemctl start ndo2db.service
systemctl stop ndo2db.service
systemctl restart ndo2db.service
systemctl status ndo2db.service






Installing MySQL is required.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev libdbd-mysql-perl

During the install you will be prompted for the password of the "root" user. This guide uses the password mypassword and will be used throughout this guide.

Password Note:

In future commands you will see the password is provided using the -p argument like follows:

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


NOTE: It's very important to NOT put a space between the -p and the 'mypassword'.


Start And Configure MySQL

MySQL is started as part of the installation process and configured to start when the system boots:

Check that it is running:

ps ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

 8142 ?        Ssl    0:01 /usr/sbin/mysqld


Create Database

NDOUtils requires a database to be created which will be called nagios.

There will also be a dedicated user account called ndoutils with the password ndoutils_password (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The storage location of the database will be the default location that MySQL uses, this can be changed however it is not covered in this guide.

This command will connect to the local MySQL database engine interface.

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


Now execute these four commands (press Enter after each command):

CREATE USER 'ndoutils'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ndoutils_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nagios.* TO 'ndoutils'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION ; 


Now you can exit the local MySQL database engine interface.



Run this command to ensure that the database has been created:

echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password' -h localhost


The last command should output something like:



Linux Kernel Settings

NDOUtils uses the kernel message queue for transferring the data from Nagios to NDOUtils. We are going to increase the default values the Kernel boots with to ensure it operates optimally.

First create a backup copy of the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

sudo cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf_backup


Now make the required changes:

sudo sed -i '/msgmnb/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sed -i '/msgmax/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sed -i '/shmmax/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sed -i '/shmall/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sh -c 'printf "\n\nkernel.msgmnb = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
sudo sh -c 'printf "kernel.msgmax = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
sudo sh -c 'printf "kernel.shmmax = 4294967295\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
sudo sh -c 'printf "kernel.shmall = 268435456\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
sudo sysctl -e -p /etc/sysctl.conf


The last command should output something like:

kernel.msgmnb = 131072000
kernel.msgmax = 131072000
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
kernel.shmall = 268435456


There is no need to reboot the system, the last command ensured the new settings are active in the kernel.


Downloading NDOUtils Source

cd /tmp
wget -O ndoutils.tar.gz https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/ndoutils/archive/ndoutils-2.1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf ndoutils.tar.gz


Compile NDOUtils

cd /tmp/ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/
sudo ./configure
sudo make all


Install Binaries

This step installs the binary files.

sudo make install


Initialize Database

This prepares the database for NDOUtils.

cd db/
sudo ./installdb -u 'ndoutils' -p 'ndoutils_password' -h 'localhost' -d nagios
cd ..


The command will produce output similar to the following:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist at ./installdb line 52.
** Creating tables for version 2.0.1
     Using mysql.sql for installation...
** Updating table nagios_dbversion

That first line of output that says failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist is expected, it's testing to make sure the database hasn't already been intiaialized.


Install Configuration Files

This installs the config files as well as configuring the MySQL credentials so NDOUtils can connect to the database.

The two config files are:


The following lines are defined in this file:


You should make sure the username and password are correct.



No changes are required in this file.


Using the default username and password the following commands install the configuration files and make the required changes.

sudo make install-config
sudo mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sudo sh -c 'sed -i 's/^db_user=.*/db_user=ndoutils/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg'
sudo sh -c 'sed -i 's/^db_pass=.*/db_pass=ndoutils_password/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg'
sudo mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg


Install Service / Daemon

This installs the service or daemon files and configure them to start on boot.

===== Ubuntu 13.x / 14.x =====

sudo make install-init


===== Ubuntu 15.x / 16.x / 17.x =====

sudo make install-init
sudo systemctl enable ndo2db.service


Information on starting and stopping services will be explained further on.


Start Service / Daemon

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting the ndo2db service.

===== Ubuntu 13.x / 14.x =====

sudo service ndo2db start


===== Ubuntu 15.x / 16.x / 17.x =====

sudo systemctl start ndo2db.service


Update Nagios To Use NDO Broker Module

Now you need to tell Nagios to use the NDO broker module. This is as simple as adding the following line to the nagios.cfg file:

broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg

The following commands will add that line as well as an extra line that explains what the module is for.

sudo sh -c 'printf "\n\n# NDOUtils Broker Module\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg'
sudo sh -c 'printf "broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg'


Restart Nagios

Now you need to restart Nagios to use the NDO broker module. Different Linux distributions have different methods of restarting Nagios Core. We will also check the status of the Nagios service to ensure it's running after these changes.

===== Ubuntu 13.x / 14.x =====

sudo service nagios restart
sudo service nagios status


===== Ubuntu 15.x / 16.x / 17.x =====

sudo systemctl restart nagios.service
sudo systemctl status nagios.service


The last command should show Nagios running:

===== Ubuntu 13.x / 14.x =====

nagios (pid 5345) is running...


===== Ubuntu 15.x / 16.x / 17.x =====

● nagios.service - LSB: Starts and stops the Nagios monitoring server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-10-04 12:31:00 AEDT; 22s ago


Check NDOUtils Is Working

There are a couple of differtent ways to ensure NDO2DB is working.


This command will show Nagios successfully loaded the NDO module:

grep ndo /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log


The last command should output something like:

[1475544660] ndomod: NDOMOD 2.1.1 (09-06-2016) Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors
[1475544660] ndomod: Successfully connected to data sink.  0 queued items to flush.
[1475544660] ndomod registered for process data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for timed event data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for log data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for system command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for event handler data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for comment data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for downtime data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for flapping data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for program status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive program data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive host data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive service data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for external command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for aggregated status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for retention data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for state change data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'
[1475544660] Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.


This command will show you the database with populated data:

echo 'select * from nagios.nagios_logentries;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password'


The last command should output something like:

logentry_id    instance_id    logentry_time    entry_time    entry_time_usec    logentry_type    logentry_data    realtime_data    inferred_data_extracted
1    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868450    262144    ndomod registered for log data'    1    1
2    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868462    262144    ndomod registered for system command data'    1    1
3    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868467    262144    ndomod registered for event handler data'    1    1
4    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868472    262144    ndomod registered for notification data'    1    1
5    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868479    262144    ndomod registered for service check data'    1    1
6    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868486    262144    ndomod registered for host check data'    1    1
7    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868491    262144    ndomod registered for comment data'    11
8    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868496    262144    ndomod registered for downtime data'11
9    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869866    262144    ndomod registered for flapping data'11
10    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869878    262144    ndomod registered for program status data'    1    1
11    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869884    262144    ndomod registered for host status data'    1    1
12    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869888    262144    ndomod registered for service status data'    1    1
13    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869893    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive program data'    1    1
14    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869897    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive host data'    1    1
15    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869902    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive service data'    1    1
16    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869906    262144    ndomod registered for external command data'    1    1
17    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869911    262144    ndomod registered for aggregated status data'    1    1
18    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869915    262144    ndomod registered for retention data'1    1
19    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869920    262144    ndomod registered for contact data'    11
20    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871043    262144    ndomod registered for contact notification data'    1    1
21    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871055    262144    ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'    1    1
22    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871062    262144    ndomod registered for state change data'    1    1
23    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871067    262144    ndomod registered for contact status data'    1    1
24    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871072    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'    1    1
25    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871077    262144    Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.    1    1
26    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    874858    262144    Successfully launched command file worker with pid 6026    1    1


Service Commands

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting / stopping / restarting / status ndo2db.

===== Ubuntu 13.x / 14.x =====

sudo start ndo2db
sudo stop ndo2db
sudo restart ndo2db
sudo status ndo2db


===== Ubuntu 15.x / 16.x / 17.x =====

sudo systemctl start ndo2db.service
sudo systemctl stop ndo2db.service
sudo systemctl restart ndo2db.service
sudo systemctl status ndo2db.service






Installing MySQL is required.

===== SUSE SLES 11.x =====

sudo zypper --non-interactive install mysql libmysqlclient-devel perl-DBD-mysql


===== SUSE SLES 12.x =====

cd /tmp
wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-sles12-11.noarch.rpm
sudo rpm -ihv mysql57-community-release-sles12-11.noarch.rpm
sudo rpm --import /etc/RPM-GPG-KEY-mysql
sudo zypper refresh

 Answer y to the signature

sudo zypper --non-interactive install mysql-community-server libmysqlclient-devel perl-DBD-mysql


===== openSUSE Leap 42.1 =====

sudo zypper --non-interactive install mysql-community-server libmysqlclient-devel perl-DBD-mysql


Start And Configure MySQL

Before configuring MySQL you must start the service and configure it to boot on startup.


===== SUSE SLES 11.x =====

sudo /sbin/service mysql start


Check that it is running:

ps ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

 4319 pts/0    S      0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --mysqld=mysqld --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysql/mysqld.pid --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
 4646 pts/0    Sl     0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --log-error=/var/log/mysql/mysqld.log --pid-file=/var/run/mysql/mysqld.pid --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --port=3306


Configure it to start when the system boots:

sudo /sbin/chkconfig --set mysql on


===== SUSE SLES 12.x | openSUSE Leap 42.1 =====

sudo systemctl start mysql.service


Check that it is running:

ps ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

 3461 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --user=mysql


Configure it to start when the system boots:

sudo systemctl enable mysql.service


Define MySQL Root Password

Now to define the password for the root account in MySQL.

The password being defined is 'mypassword' and will be used in future commands (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The 'single quotes' are used to define the boundaries of the password, this is extremely important when the password contains a space or special characters.

===== SUSE SLES 11.x | openSUSE Leap 42.1 =====

Execute the following command to define the password:

sudo /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'mypassword'


===== SUSE SLES 12.x =====

MySQL Community Edition creates a password for you by default and is recoreded in the /var/log/mysql/mysqld.log file. To see what the password is type the following command:

sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysql/mysqld.log

You should get an output like:

017-05-08T01:16:24.218861Z 1 [Note] A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: yURd-:G3Es(Z

To change the password, use the following command. Keep in mind the password needs to be a stronger password than the example of mypassword otherwise it will be rejected. You will need to type your auto generated password and the new password:

echo "SET Password FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('Myp@ssw0rd');" | mysql -u root -p'yURd-:G3Es(Z' --connect-expired-password


Password Note:

In future commands you will see the password is provided using the -p argument like follows:

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


NOTE: It's very important to NOT put a space between the -p and the 'mypassword'.


Create Database

NDOUtils requires a database to be created which will be called nagios.

There will also be a dedicated user account called ndoutils with the password ndoutils_password (we suggest you use a more secure password ... MySQL Community Edition will reject poor passwords).

The storage location of the database will be the default location that MySQL uses, this can be changed however it is not covered in this guide.

This command will connect to the local MySQL database engine interface.

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


Now execute these four commands (press Enter after each command):

CREATE USER 'ndoutils'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ndoutils_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nagios.* TO 'ndoutils'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; 


Now you can exit the local MySQL database engine interface.



Run this command to ensure that the database has been created:

echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password' -h localhost


The last command should output something like:



Linux Kernel Settings

NDOUtils uses the kernel message queue for transferring the data from Nagios to NDOUtils. We are going to increase the default values the Kernel boots with to ensure it operates optimally.

First create a backup copy of the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

sudo cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf_backup


Now make the required changes:

sudo sed -i '/msgmnb/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sed -i '/msgmax/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sed -i '/shmmax/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sed -i '/shmall/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sh -c 'printf "\n\nkernel.msgmnb = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
sudo sh -c 'printf "kernel.msgmax = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
sudo sh -c 'printf "kernel.shmmax = 4294967295\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf'
sudo sh -c 'printf "kernel.shmall = 268435456\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf'


Then this last command depends on the OS version you are running:

===== SUSE SLES 11.x =====

sudo /sbin/sysctl -e -p /etc/sysctl.conf


===== SUSE SLES 12.x | openSUSE Leap =====

sudo /usr/sbin/sysctl -e -p /etc/sysctl.conf


The last command should output something like:

kernel.msgmnb = 131072000
kernel.msgmax = 131072000
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
kernel.shmall = 268435456


There is no need to reboot the system, the last command ensured the new settings are active in the kernel.


Downloading NDOUtils Source

cd /tmp
wget -O ndoutils.tar.gz https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/ndoutils/archive/ndoutils-2.1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf ndoutils.tar.gz


Compile NDOUtils

cd /tmp/ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/
sudo ./configure
sudo make all


Install Binaries

This step installs the binary files.

sudo make install


Initialize Database

This prepares the database for NDOUtils.

===== SUSE SLES 11.x =====

cd db/
sudo ./installdb -u 'ndoutils' -p 'ndoutils_password' -h 'localhost' -d nagios
cd ..


===== SUSE SLES 12.x | openSUSE Leap =====

cd db/
sudo ./installdb -u 'ndoutils' -p 'ndoutils_password' -h '' -d nagios
cd ..


The command will produce output similar to the following:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist at ./installdb line 52.
** Creating tables for version 2.0.1
     Using mysql.sql for installation...
** Updating table nagios_dbversion

That first line of output that says failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist is expected, it's testing to make sure the database hasn't already been intiaialized.


Install Configuration Files

This installs the config files as well as configuring the MySQL credentials so NDOUtils can connect to the database.

The two config files are:


The following lines are defined in this file:


You should make sure the username and password are correct.

For SUSE SLES 12.x you will also need to change db_host=localhost to:




No changes are required in this file.


Using the default username and password the following commands install the configuration files and make the required changes.

sudo make install-config
sudo mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sudo sh -c 'sed -i 's/^db_user=.*/db_user=ndoutils/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg'
sudo sh -c 'sed -i 's/^db_pass=.*/db_pass=ndoutils_password/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg'
sudo mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg

For SUSE SLES 12.x you will also need to change db_host=localhost to:

sudo sh -c 'sed -i 's/^db_host=.*/db_host=127\.0\.0\.1/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg'


Install Service / Daemon

This installs the service or daemon files and configure them to start on boot.

===== SUSE SLES 11.x =====

sudo make install-init
sudo /sbin/chkconfig --set ndo2db on


===== SUSE SLES 12.x | openSUSE =====

sudo make install-init
sudo systemctl enable ndo2db.service


Information on starting and stopping services will be explained further on.


Start Service / Daemon

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting the ndo2db service.

===== SUSE SLES 11.x =====

sudo /sbin/service ndo2db start


===== SUSE SLES 12.x | openSUSE =====

sudo systemctl start ndo2db.service


Update Nagios To Use NDO Broker Module

Now you need to tell Nagios to use the NDO broker module. This is as simple as adding the following line to the nagios.cfg file:

broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg

The following commands will add that line as well as an extra line that explains what the module is for.

sudo sh -c 'printf "\n\n# NDOUtils Broker Module\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg'
sudo sh -c 'printf "broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg'


Restart Nagios

Now you need to restart Nagios to use the NDO broker module. Different Linux distributions have different methods of restarting Nagios Core. We will also check the status of the Nagios service to ensure it's running after these changes.

===== SUSE SLES 11.x =====

sudo /sbin/service nagios restart
sudo /sbin/service nagios status


===== SUSE SLES 12.x | openSUSE =====

sudo systemctl restart nagios.service
sudo systemctl status nagios.service


The last command should show Nagios running:

===== SUSE SLES 11.x =====

nagios (pid 5345) is running...


===== SUSE SLES 12.x | openSUSE =====

● nagios.service - LSB: Starts and stops the Nagios monitoring server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-10-04 12:31:00 AEDT; 22s ago


Check NDOUtils Is Working

There are a couple of differtent ways to ensure NDO2DB is working.


This command will show Nagios successfully loaded the NDO module:

grep ndo /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log


The last command should output something like:

[1475544660] ndomod: NDOMOD 2.1.1 (09-06-2016) Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors
[1475544660] ndomod: Successfully connected to data sink.  0 queued items to flush.
[1475544660] ndomod registered for process data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for timed event data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for log data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for system command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for event handler data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for comment data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for downtime data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for flapping data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for program status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive program data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive host data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive service data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for external command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for aggregated status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for retention data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for state change data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'
[1475544660] Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.


This command will show you the database with populated data:

echo 'select * from nagios.nagios_logentries;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password'


The last command should output something like:

logentry_id    instance_id    logentry_time    entry_time    entry_time_usec    logentry_type    logentry_data    realtime_data    inferred_data_extracted
1    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868450    262144    ndomod registered for log data'    1    1
2    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868462    262144    ndomod registered for system command data'    1    1
3    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868467    262144    ndomod registered for event handler data'    1    1
4    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868472    262144    ndomod registered for notification data'    1    1
5    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868479    262144    ndomod registered for service check data'    1    1
6    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868486    262144    ndomod registered for host check data'    1    1
7    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868491    262144    ndomod registered for comment data'    11
8    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868496    262144    ndomod registered for downtime data'11
9    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869866    262144    ndomod registered for flapping data'11
10    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869878    262144    ndomod registered for program status data'    1    1
11    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869884    262144    ndomod registered for host status data'    1    1
12    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869888    262144    ndomod registered for service status data'    1    1
13    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869893    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive program data'    1    1
14    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869897    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive host data'    1    1
15    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869902    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive service data'    1    1
16    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869906    262144    ndomod registered for external command data'    1    1
17    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869911    262144    ndomod registered for aggregated status data'    1    1
18    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869915    262144    ndomod registered for retention data'1    1
19    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869920    262144    ndomod registered for contact data'    11
20    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871043    262144    ndomod registered for contact notification data'    1    1
21    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871055    262144    ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'    1    1
22    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871062    262144    ndomod registered for state change data'    1    1
23    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871067    262144    ndomod registered for contact status data'    1    1
24    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871072    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'    1    1
25    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871077    262144    Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.    1    1
26    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    874858    262144    Successfully launched command file worker with pid 6026    1    1


Service Commands

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting / stopping / restarting / status NRPE.

===== SUSE SLES 11.x =====

sudo /sbin/service ndo2db start
sudo /sbin/service ndo2db stop
sudo /sbin/service ndo2db restart
sudo /sbin/service ndo2db status


===== SUSE SLES 12.x | openSUSE Leap 42.1 =====

sudo systemctl start ndo2db.service
sudo systemctl stop ndo2db.service
sudo systemctl restart ndo2db.service
sudo systemctl status ndo2db.service




Debian | Raspbian

All steps on Debian require to run as root. To become root simply run:





sudo -i


All commands from this point onwards will be as root.



Installing MySQL is required.

apt-get update
apt-get install -y mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev libdbd-mysql-perl

During the install you will be prompted for the password of the "root" user. This guide uses the password mypassword and will be used throughout this guide.


Start And Configure MySQL

MySQL is started as part of the installation process and configured to start when the system boots:

Check that it is running:

ps ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

 8338 ?        S      0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe
 8686 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --log-error=/var/log/mysql/error.log --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock --port=3306


Define MySQL Root Password

Now to define the password for the root account in MySQL.

The password being defined is 'mypassword' and will be used in future commands (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The 'single quotes' are used to define the boundaries of the password, this is extremely important when the password contains a space or special characters. This was already done as part of the installation process of MySQL.

Password Note:

In future commands you will see the password is provided using the -p argument like follows:

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


NOTE: It's very important to NOT put a space between the -p and the 'mypassword'.


Create Database

NDOUtils requires a database to be created which will be called nagios.

There will also be a dedicated user account called ndoutils with the password ndoutils_password (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The storage location of the database will be the default location that MySQL uses, this can be changed however it is not covered in this guide.

This command will connect to the local MySQL database engine interface.

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


Now execute these four commands (press Enter after each command):

CREATE USER 'ndoutils'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ndoutils_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nagios.* TO 'ndoutils'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION ; 


Now you can exit the local MySQL database engine interface.



Run this command to ensure that the database has been created:

echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password' -h localhost


The last command should output something like:



Linux Kernel Settings

NDOUtils uses the kernel message queue for transferring the data from Nagios to NDOUtils. We are going to increase the default values the Kernel boots with to ensure it operates optimally.

First create a backup copy of the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf_backup


Now make the required changes:

sed -i '/msgmnb/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sed -i '/msgmax/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sed -i '/shmmax/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sed -i '/shmall/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "\n\nkernel.msgmnb = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.msgmax = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.shmmax = 4294967295\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.shmall = 268435456\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -e -p /etc/sysctl.conf


The last command should output something like:

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
kernel.sysrq = 0
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
kernel.msgmnb = 131072000
kernel.msgmax = 131072000
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
kernel.shmall = 268435456


There is no need to reboot the system, the last command ensured the new settings are active in the kernel.


Downloading NDOUtils Source

cd /tmp
wget -O ndoutils.tar.gz https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/ndoutils/archive/ndoutils-2.1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf ndoutils.tar.gz


Compile NDOUtils

cd /tmp/ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/
make all


Install Binaries

This step installs the binary files.

make install


Initialize Database

This prepares the database for NDOUtils.

cd db/
./installdb -u 'ndoutils' -p 'ndoutils_password' -h 'localhost' -d nagios
cd ..


The command will produce output similar to the following:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist at ./installdb line 52.
** Creating tables for version 2.0.1
     Using mysql.sql for installation...
** Updating table nagios_dbversion

That first line of output that says failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist is expected, it's testing to make sure the database hasn't already been intiaialized.


Install Configuration Files

This installs the config files as well as configuring the MySQL credentials so NDOUtils can connect to the database.

The two config files are:


The following lines are defined in this file:


You should make sure the username and password are correct.



No changes are required in this file.


Using the default username and password the following commands install the configuration files and make the required changes.

make install-config
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i 's/^db_user=.*/db_user=ndoutils/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i 's/^db_pass=.*/db_pass=ndoutils_password/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg


Install Service / Daemon

This installs the service or daemon files and configure them to start on boot.

===== Debian 7.x =====

make install-init
update-rc.d ndo2db defaults


===== Debian 8.x =====

make install-init
systemctl enable ndo2db.service


Information on starting and stopping services will be explained further on.


Start Service / Daemon

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting the ndo2db service.

===== Debian 7.x =====

service ndo2db start


===== Debian 8.x =====

systemctl start ndo2db.service


Update Nagios To Use NDO Broker Module

Now you need to tell Nagios to use the NDO broker module. This is as simple as adding the following line to the nagios.cfg file:

broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg

The following commands will add that line as well as an extra line that explains what the module is for.

printf "\n\n# NDOUtils Broker Module\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
printf "broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg 


Restart Nagios

Now you need to restart Nagios to use the NDO broker module. Different Linux distributions have different methods of restarting Nagios Core. We will also check the status of the Nagios service to ensure it's running after these changes.

===== Debian 7.x =====

service nagios restart
service nagios status


===== Debian 8.x =====

systemctl restart nagios.service
systemctl status nagios.service


The last command should show Nagios running:

===== Debian 7.x =====

nagios (pid 5345) is running...


===== Debian 8.x =====

● nagios.service - LSB: Starts and stops the Nagios monitoring server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-10-04 12:31:00 AEDT; 22s ago


Check NDOUtils Is Working

There are a couple of differtent ways to ensure NDO2DB is working.


This command will show Nagios successfully loaded the NDO module:

grep ndo /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log


The last command should output something like:

[1475544660] ndomod: NDOMOD 2.1.1 (09-06-2016) Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors
[1475544660] ndomod: Successfully connected to data sink.  0 queued items to flush.
[1475544660] ndomod registered for process data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for timed event data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for log data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for system command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for event handler data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for comment data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for downtime data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for flapping data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for program status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive program data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive host data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive service data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for external command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for aggregated status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for retention data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for state change data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'
[1475544660] Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.


This command will show you the database with populated data:

echo 'select * from nagios.nagios_logentries;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password'


The last command should output something like:

logentry_id    instance_id    logentry_time    entry_time    entry_time_usec    logentry_type    logentry_data    realtime_data    inferred_data_extracted
1    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868450    262144    ndomod registered for log data'    1    1
2    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868462    262144    ndomod registered for system command data'    1    1
3    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868467    262144    ndomod registered for event handler data'    1    1
4    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868472    262144    ndomod registered for notification data'    1    1
5    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868479    262144    ndomod registered for service check data'    1    1
6    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868486    262144    ndomod registered for host check data'    1    1
7    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868491    262144    ndomod registered for comment data'    11
8    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868496    262144    ndomod registered for downtime data'11
9    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869866    262144    ndomod registered for flapping data'11
10    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869878    262144    ndomod registered for program status data'    1    1
11    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869884    262144    ndomod registered for host status data'    1    1
12    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869888    262144    ndomod registered for service status data'    1    1
13    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869893    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive program data'    1    1
14    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869897    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive host data'    1    1
15    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869902    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive service data'    1    1
16    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869906    262144    ndomod registered for external command data'    1    1
17    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869911    262144    ndomod registered for aggregated status data'    1    1
18    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869915    262144    ndomod registered for retention data'1    1
19    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869920    262144    ndomod registered for contact data'    11
20    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871043    262144    ndomod registered for contact notification data'    1    1
21    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871055    262144    ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'    1    1
22    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871062    262144    ndomod registered for state change data'    1    1
23    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871067    262144    ndomod registered for contact status data'    1    1
24    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871072    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'    1    1
25    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871077    262144    Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.    1    1
26    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    874858    262144    Successfully launched command file worker with pid 6026    1    1


Service Commands

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting / stopping / restarting / status ndo2db.

===== Debian 7.x =====

service ndo2db start
service ndo2db stop
service ndo2db restart
service ndo2db status


===== Debian 8.x =====

systemctl start ndo2db.service
systemctl stop ndo2db.service
systemctl restart ndo2db.service
systemctl status ndo2db.service






Installing MariaDB is required.

dnf install -y mariadb mariadb-server mariadb-devel
dnf update -y


Start And Configure MariaDB

Before configuring MariaDB you must start the service and configure it to boot on startup.

systemctl start mariadb.service


Check that it is running:

ps ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

2781 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --basedir=/usr
2938 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --log-error=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log --pid-file=/var/run/mariadb/mariadb.pid --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock


Configure it to start when the system boots:

systemctl enable mariadb.service


Define MySQL / MariaDB Root Password

Now to define the password for the root account in MySQL / MariaDB.

The password being defined is 'mypassword' and will be used in future commands (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The 'single quotes' are used to define the boundaries of the password, this is extremely important when the password contains a space or special characters.

/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'mypassword'


Password Note:

In future commands you will see the password is provided using the -p argument like follows:

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


NOTE: It's very important to NOT put a space between the -p and the 'mypassword'.


Create Database

NDOUtils requires a database to be created which will be called nagios.

There will also be a dedicated user account called ndoutils with the password ndoutils_password (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The storage location of the database will be the default location that MySQL / MariaDB uses, this can be changed however it is not covered in this guide.

This command will connect to the local MySQL / MariaDB database engine interface.

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


Now execute these four commands (press Enter after each command):

CREATE USER 'ndoutils'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ndoutils_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nagios.* TO 'ndoutils'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION ; 


Now you can exit the local MySQL / MariaDB database engine interface.



Run this command to ensure that the database has been created:

echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password' -h localhost


The last command should output something like:



Linux Kernel Settings

NDOUtils uses the kernel message queue for transferring the data from Nagios to NDOUtils. We are going to increase the default values the Kernel boots with to ensure it operates optimally.

First create a backup copy of the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf_backup


Now make the required changes:

sed -i '/msgmnb/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sed -i '/msgmax/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sed -i '/shmmax/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sed -i '/shmall/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "\n\nkernel.msgmnb = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.msgmax = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.shmmax = 4294967295\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.shmall = 268435456\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -e -p /etc/sysctl.conf


The last command should output something like:

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
kernel.sysrq = 0
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
kernel.msgmnb = 131072000
kernel.msgmax = 131072000
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
kernel.shmall = 268435456


There is no need to reboot the system, the last command ensured the new settings are active in the kernel.


Downloading NDOUtils Source

cd /tmp
wget -O ndoutils.tar.gz https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/ndoutils/archive/ndoutils-2.1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf ndoutils.tar.gz


Compile NDOUtils

cd /tmp/ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/
make all


Install Binaries

This step installs the binary files.

make install


Initialize Database

This prepares the database for NDOUtils.

cd db/
./installdb -u 'ndoutils' -p 'ndoutils_password' -h 'localhost' -d nagios
cd ..


The command will produce output similar to the following:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist at ./installdb line 52.
** Creating tables for version 2.0.1
     Using mysql.sql for installation...
** Updating table nagios_dbversion

That first line of output that says failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist is expected, it's testing to make sure the database hasn't already been intiaialized.


Install Configuration Files

This installs the config files as well as configuring the MySQL / MariaDB credentials so NDOUtils can connect to the database.

The two config files are:


The following lines are defined in this file:


You should make sure the username and password are correct.



No changes are required in this file.


Using the default username and password the following commands install the configuration files and make the required changes.

make install-config
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i 's/^db_user=.*/db_user=ndoutils/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i 's/^db_pass=.*/db_pass=ndoutils_password/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg


Install Service / Daemon

This installs the service or daemon files and configure them to start on boot.

make install-init
systemctl enable ndo2db.service


Information on starting and stopping services will be explained further on.


Start Service / Daemon

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting the ndo2db service.

systemctl start ndo2db.service


Update Nagios To Use NDO Broker Module

Now you need to tell Nagios to use the NDO broker module. This is as simple as adding the following line to the nagios.cfg file:

broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg

The following commands will add that line as well as an extra line that explains what the module is for.

printf "\n\n# NDOUtils Broker Module\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
printf "broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg 


Restart Nagios

Now you need to restart Nagios to use the NDO broker module. Different Linux distributions have different methods of restarting Nagios Core. We will also check the status of the Nagios service to ensure it's running after these changes.

systemctl restart nagios.service
systemctl status nagios.service


The last command should show Nagios running:

● nagios.service - LSB: Starts and stops the Nagios monitoring server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2016-10-04 12:31:00 AEDT; 22s ago


Check NDOUtils Is Working

There are a couple of differtent ways to ensure NDO2DB is working.


This command will show Nagios successfully loaded the NDO module:

grep ndo /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log


The last command should output something like:

[1475544660] ndomod: NDOMOD 2.1.1 (09-06-2016) Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors
[1475544660] ndomod: Successfully connected to data sink.  0 queued items to flush.
[1475544660] ndomod registered for process data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for timed event data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for log data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for system command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for event handler data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for comment data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for downtime data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for flapping data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for program status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive program data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive host data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive service data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for external command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for aggregated status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for retention data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for state change data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'
[1475544660] Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.


This command will show you the database with populated data:

echo 'select * from nagios.nagios_logentries;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password'


The last command should output something like:

logentry_id    instance_id    logentry_time    entry_time    entry_time_usec    logentry_type    logentry_data    realtime_data    inferred_data_extracted
1    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868450    262144    ndomod registered for log data'    1    1
2    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868462    262144    ndomod registered for system command data'    1    1
3    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868467    262144    ndomod registered for event handler data'    1    1
4    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868472    262144    ndomod registered for notification data'    1    1
5    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868479    262144    ndomod registered for service check data'    1    1
6    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868486    262144    ndomod registered for host check data'    1    1
7    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868491    262144    ndomod registered for comment data'    11
8    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868496    262144    ndomod registered for downtime data'11
9    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869866    262144    ndomod registered for flapping data'11
10    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869878    262144    ndomod registered for program status data'    1    1
11    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869884    262144    ndomod registered for host status data'    1    1
12    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869888    262144    ndomod registered for service status data'    1    1
13    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869893    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive program data'    1    1
14    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869897    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive host data'    1    1
15    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869902    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive service data'    1    1
16    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869906    262144    ndomod registered for external command data'    1    1
17    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869911    262144    ndomod registered for aggregated status data'    1    1
18    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869915    262144    ndomod registered for retention data'1    1
19    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869920    262144    ndomod registered for contact data'    11
20    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871043    262144    ndomod registered for contact notification data'    1    1
21    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871055    262144    ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'    1    1
22    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871062    262144    ndomod registered for state change data'    1    1
23    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871067    262144    ndomod registered for contact status data'    1    1
24    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871072    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'    1    1
25    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871077    262144    Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.    1    1
26    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    874858    262144    Successfully launched command file worker with pid 6026    1    1


Service Commands

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting / stopping / restarting / status ndo2db.

systemctl start ndo2db.service
systemctl stop ndo2db.service
systemctl restart ndo2db.service
systemctl status ndo2db.service




Arch Linux


Installing MariaDB is required.

pacman --noconfirm -Syyu
pacman --noconfirm -S mariadb perl-dbi perl-dbd-mysql
mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql


Start And Configure MariaDB

systemctl start mariadb.service


Check that it is running:

ps ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

 60211 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/bin/mysqld


Configure it to start when the system boots:

systemctl enable mariadb.service


Define MariaDB Root Password

Now to define the password for the root account in MariaDB.

The password being defined is 'mypassword' and will be used in future commands (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The 'single quotes' are used to define the boundaries of the password, this is extremely important when the password contains a space or special characters.

/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'mypassword'


Password Note:

In future commands you will see the password is provided using the -p argument like follows:

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


NOTE: It's very important to NOT put a space between the -p and the 'mypassword'.


Create Database

NDOUtils requires a database to be created which will be called nagios.

There will also be a dedicated user account called ndoutils with the password ndoutils_password (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The storage location of the database will be the default location that MariaDB uses, this can be changed however it is not covered in this guide.

This command will connect to the local MariaDB database engine interface.

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


Now execute these four commands (press Enter after each command):

CREATE USER 'ndoutils'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ndoutils_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nagios.* TO 'ndoutils'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION ; 


Now you can exit the local MariaDB database engine interface.



Run this command to ensure that the database has been created:

echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password' -h localhost


The last command should output something like:



Linux Kernel Settings

NDOUtils uses the kernel message queue for transferring the data from Nagios to NDOUtils. We are going to increase the default values the Kernel boots with to ensure it operates optimally.

In a fresh install of Arch Linux the /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf file exists:

These commands make the required changes:

printf "\n\nkernel.msgmnb = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.msgmax = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.shmmax = 4294967295\n" >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.shmall = 268435456\n" >> /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
sysctl -e -p /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf


The last command should output something like:

kernel.msgmnb = 131072000
kernel.msgmax = 131072000
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
kernel.shmall = 268435456


There is no need to reboot the system, the last command ensured the new settings are active in the kernel.


Downloading NDOUtils Source

cd /tmp
wget -O ndoutils.tar.gz https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/ndoutils/archive/ndoutils-2.1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf ndoutils.tar.gz


Compile NDOUtils

cd /tmp/ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/
make all


Install Binaries

This step installs the binary files.

make install


Initialize Database

This prepares the database for NDOUtils.

cd db/
./installdb -u 'ndoutils' -p 'ndoutils_password' -h 'localhost' -d nagios
cd ..


The command will produce output similar to the following:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist at ./installdb line 52.
** Creating tables for version 2.0.1
     Using mysql.sql for installation...
** Updating table nagios_dbversion

That first line of output that says failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist is expected, it's testing to make sure the database hasn't already been intiaialized.


Install Configuration Files

This installs the config files as well as configuring the MariaDB credentials so NDOUtils can connect to the database.

The two config files are:


The following lines are defined in this file:


You should make sure the username and password are correct.



No changes are required in this file.


Using the default username and password the following commands install the configuration files and make the required changes.

make install-config
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i 's/^db_user=.*/db_user=ndoutils/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i 's/^db_pass=.*/db_pass=ndoutils_password/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg


Install Service / Daemon

This installs the service or daemon files and configure them to start on boot.

make install-init
systemctl enable ndo2db.service


Information on starting and stopping services will be explained further on.


Start Service / Daemon

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting the ndo2db service.

systemctl start ndo2db.service


Update Nagios To Use NDO Broker Module

Now you need to tell Nagios to use the NDO broker module. This is as simple as adding the following line to the nagios.cfg file:

broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg

The following commands will add that line as well as an extra line that explains what the module is for.

printf "\n\n# NDOUtils Broker Module\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
printf "broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg


Restart Nagios

Now you need to restart Nagios to use the NDO broker module. Different Linux distributions have different methods of restarting Nagios Core. We will also check the status of the Nagios service to ensure it's running after these changes.

systemctl restart nagios.service
systemctl status nagios.service


The last command should show Nagios running:

● nagios.service - Nagios Monitoring System
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nagios.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2017-05-05 19:56:41 UTC; 6s ago


Check NDOUtils Is Working

There are a couple of differtent ways to ensure NDO2DB is working.


This command will show Nagios successfully loaded the NDO module:

grep ndo /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log


The last command should output something like:

[1494014201] ndomod: NDOMOD 2.1.3 (2017-04-13) Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors
[1494014201] ndomod: Could not open data sink!  I'll keep trying, but some output may get lost...
[1494014201] ndomod registered for process data
[1494014201] ndomod registered for timed event data
[1494014201] ndomod registered for log data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for system command data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for event handler data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for notification data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for service check data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for host check data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for comment data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for downtime data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for flapping data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for program status data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for host status data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for service status data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for adaptive program data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for adaptive host data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for adaptive service data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for external command data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for aggregated status data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for retention data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for contact data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for contact notification data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for state change data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for contact status data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'
[1494014201] Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.


This command will show you the database with populated data:

echo 'select * from nagios.nagios_logentries;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password'


The last command should output something like:

logentry_id    instance_id    logentry_time    entry_time    entry_time_usec    logentry_type    logentry_data    realtime_data    inferred_data_extracted
1    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326176    262144    ndomod registered for log data'    11
2    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326186    262144    ndomod registered for system command data'    1    1
3    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326191    262144    ndomod registered for event handler data'    1    1
4    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326196    262144    ndomod registered for notification data'    1    1
5    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326201    262144    ndomod registered for service check data'    1    1
6    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326205    262144    ndomod registered for host check data'    1    1
7    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326210    262144    ndomod registered for comment data'    1    1
8    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326215    262144    ndomod registered for downtime data'    1    1
9    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326220    262144    ndomod registered for flapping data'    1    1
10    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326225    262144    ndomod registered for program status data'    1    1
11    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326230    262144    ndomod registered for host status data'    1    1
12    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326234    262144    ndomod registered for service status data'    1    1
13    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326239    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive program data'    1    1
14    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326243    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive host data'    1    1
15    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326254    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive service data'    1    1
16    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326260    262144    ndomod registered for external command data'    1    1
17    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326264    262144    ndomod registered for aggregated status data'    1    1
18    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326268    262144    ndomod registered for retention data'    1    1
19    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326273    262144    ndomod registered for contact data'    1    1
20    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326277    262144    ndomod registered for contact notification data'    1    1
21    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326282    262144    ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'    1    1
22    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326287    262144    ndomod registered for state change data'    1    1
23    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326291    262144    ndomod registered for contact status data'    1    1
24    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326296    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'    1    1
25    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326301    262144    Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.    1    1
26    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    812884    262144    Successfully launched command file worker with pid 3995    1    1


Service Commands

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting / stopping / restarting / status ndo2db.

systemctl start ndo2db.service
systemctl stop ndo2db.service
systemctl restart ndo2db.service
systemctl status ndo2db.service






Installing MariaDB is required.

emerge --sync
emerge --noreplace dev-db/mysql


Define MySQL Root Password

The output of the installation of mysql will product some thing like:

 * MySQL MY_DATADIR is /var/lib/mysql
 * You might want to run:
 * "emerge --config =dev-db/mysql-5.6.35"
 * if this is a new install.


You will need to execute the command:

emerge --config =dev-db/mysql-5.6.35


This will prompt you to type a password for the root account in MySQL.

This KB article is using the password of 'mypassword' and will be used in future commands (we suggest you use a more secure password).


Once you've provided the password MySQL will be configured.

Password Note:

In future commands you will see the password is provided using the -p argument like follows:

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


NOTE: It's very important to NOT put a space between the -p and the 'mypassword'.


Start And Configure MySQL

service mysql start


Check that it is running:

ps ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

28862 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/my.cnf


Configure it to start when the system boots:

rc-update add mysql default


Create Database

NDOUtils requires a database to be created which will be called nagios.

There will also be a dedicated user account called ndoutils with the password ndoutils_password (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The storage location of the database will be the default location that MySQL uses, this can be changed however it is not covered in this guide.

This command will connect to the local MySQL database engine interface.

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


Now execute these four commands (press Enter after each command):

CREATE USER 'ndoutils'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ndoutils_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nagios.* TO 'ndoutils'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION ; 


Now you can exit the local MariaDB database engine interface.



Run this command to ensure that the database has been created:

echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password' -h localhost


The last command should output something like:



Linux Kernel Settings

NDOUtils uses the kernel message queue for transferring the data from Nagios to NDOUtils. We are going to increase the default values the Kernel boots with to ensure it operates optimally.

In a fresh install of Arch Linux the /etc/sysctl.conf file exists:

These commands make the required changes:

printf "\n\nkernel.msgmnb = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.msgmax = 131072000\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.shmmax = 4294967295\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kernel.shmall = 268435456\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -e -p /etc/sysctl.conf


The last command should output something like:

kernel.msgmnb = 131072000
kernel.msgmax = 131072000
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
kernel.shmall = 268435456


There is no need to reboot the system, the last command ensured the new settings are active in the kernel.


Downloading NDOUtils Source

Some additional files will be downloaded so the init scripts are correctly created.

cd /tmp
wget -O ndoutils.tar.gz https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/ndoutils/archive/ndoutils-2.1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf ndoutils.tar.gz
wget --no-check-certificate -O ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/startup/gentoo-init.in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/box293/ndoutils/master/startup/gentoo-init.in
wget --no-check-certificate -O ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/Makefile.in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/box293/ndoutils/master/Makefile.in
wget --no-check-certificate -O ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/configure https://raw.githubusercontent.com/box293/ndoutils/master/configure


Compile NDOUtils

cd /tmp/ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/
make all


Install Binaries

This step installs the binary files.

make install


Initialize Database

This prepares the database for NDOUtils.

cd db/
./installdb -u 'ndoutils' -p 'ndoutils_password' -h 'localhost' -d nagios
cd ..


The command will produce output similar to the following:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist at ./installdb line 52.
** Creating tables for version 2.0.1
     Using mysql.sql for installation...
** Updating table nagios_dbversion

That first line of output that says failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist is expected, it's testing to make sure the database hasn't already been intiaialized.


Install Configuration Files

This installs the config files as well as configuring the MariaDB credentials so NDOUtils can connect to the database.

The two config files are:


The following lines are defined in this file:


You should make sure the username and password are correct.



No changes are required in this file.


Using the default username and password the following commands install the configuration files and make the required changes.

make install-config
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i 's/^db_user=.*/db_user=ndoutils/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i 's/^db_pass=.*/db_pass=ndoutils_password/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg


Install Service / Daemon

This installs the service or daemon files and configure them to start on boot.

make install-init


Information on starting and stopping services will be explained further on.


Start Service / Daemon

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting the ndo2db service.

service ndo2db start


Update Nagios To Use NDO Broker Module

Now you need to tell Nagios to use the NDO broker module. This is as simple as adding the following line to the nagios.cfg file:

broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg

The following commands will add that line as well as an extra line that explains what the module is for.

printf "\n\n# NDOUtils Broker Module\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
printf "broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg


Restart Nagios

Now you need to restart Nagios to use the NDO broker module. Different Linux distributions have different methods of restarting Nagios Core. We will also check the status of the Nagios service to ensure it's running after these changes.

service nagios restart
service nagios status


The last command should show Nagios running:

 * Executing: /lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh /lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh /etc/init.d/nagios status
 * status: started


Check NDOUtils Is Working

There are a couple of differtent ways to ensure NDO2DB is working.


This command will show Nagios successfully loaded the NDO module:

grep ndo /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log


The last command should output something like:

[1494014201] ndomod: NDOMOD 2.1.3 (2017-04-13) Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors
[1494014201] ndomod: Could not open data sink!  I'll keep trying, but some output may get lost...
[1494014201] ndomod registered for process data
[1494014201] ndomod registered for timed event data
[1494014201] ndomod registered for log data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for system command data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for event handler data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for notification data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for service check data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for host check data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for comment data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for downtime data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for flapping data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for program status data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for host status data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for service status data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for adaptive program data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for adaptive host data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for adaptive service data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for external command data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for aggregated status data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for retention data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for contact data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for contact notification data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for state change data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for contact status data'
[1494014201] ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'
[1494014201] Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.


This command will show you the database with populated data:

echo 'select * from nagios.nagios_logentries;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password'


The last command should output something like:

logentry_id    instance_id    logentry_time    entry_time    entry_time_usec    logentry_type    logentry_data    realtime_data    inferred_data_extracted
1    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326176    262144    ndomod registered for log data'    11
2    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326186    262144    ndomod registered for system command data'    1    1
3    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326191    262144    ndomod registered for event handler data'    1    1
4    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326196    262144    ndomod registered for notification data'    1    1
5    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326201    262144    ndomod registered for service check data'    1    1
6    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326205    262144    ndomod registered for host check data'    1    1
7    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326210    262144    ndomod registered for comment data'    1    1
8    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326215    262144    ndomod registered for downtime data'    1    1
9    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326220    262144    ndomod registered for flapping data'    1    1
10    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326225    262144    ndomod registered for program status data'    1    1
11    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326230    262144    ndomod registered for host status data'    1    1
12    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326234    262144    ndomod registered for service status data'    1    1
13    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326239    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive program data'    1    1
14    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326243    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive host data'    1    1
15    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326254    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive service data'    1    1
16    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326260    262144    ndomod registered for external command data'    1    1
17    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326264    262144    ndomod registered for aggregated status data'    1    1
18    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326268    262144    ndomod registered for retention data'    1    1
19    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326273    262144    ndomod registered for contact data'    1    1
20    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326277    262144    ndomod registered for contact notification data'    1    1
21    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326282    262144    ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'    1    1
22    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326287    262144    ndomod registered for state change data'    1    1
23    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326291    262144    ndomod registered for contact status data'    1    1
24    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326296    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'    1    1
25    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    326301    262144    Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.    1    1
26    1    2017-05-05 19:56:41    2017-05-05 19:56:41    812884    262144    Successfully launched command file worker with pid 3995    1    1


Service Commands

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting / stopping / restarting / status ndo2db.

service ndo2db start
service ndo2db stop
service ndo2db restart
service ndo2db status





There is an issue with NDOUtils on FreeBSD that have been reported in the following GitHub issue:

Module ndomod.o is using an old or unspecified version of the event broker API. Module will be unloaded.



Installing MySQL is required.

In the steps below, when installing FreeBSD packages you will be prompted with screens asking what you would like installed. You can just press Enter to accept the default selections.

pkg install -y mysql56-server p5-DBD-mysql p5-DBI


Start And Configure MySQL

Before configuring MySQL you must start the service and configure it to boot on startup.

echo 'mysql_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
service mysql-server start


Check that it is running:

ps ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

80262  -  Ss    0:00.05 /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf --user=mysql -
80362  -  S     0:00.28 /usr/local/libexec/mysqld --defaults-extra-file=/var/db/mysql/my.cnf --basedir=/usr/local --


MySQL has been configured to start when the system boots.


Define MySQL Root Password

Now to define the password for the root account in MySQL.

The password being defined is 'mypassword' and will be used in future commands (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The 'single quotes' are used to define the boundaries of the password, this is extremely important when the password contains a space or special characters.

To change the password, use the following command:

mysqladmin -u root password 'mypassword'


Password Note:

In future commands you will see the password is provided using the -p argument like follows:

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


NOTE: It's very important to NOT put a space between the -p and the 'mypassword'.


Create Database

NDOUtils requires a database to be created which will be called nagios.

There will also be a dedicated user account called ndoutils with the password ndoutils_password (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The storage location of the database will be the default location that MySQL uses, this can be changed however it is not covered in this guide.

This command will connect to the local MySQL database engine interface.

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


Now execute these four commands (press Enter after each command):

CREATE USER 'ndoutils'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ndoutils_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nagios.* TO 'ndoutils'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION ; 


Now you can exit the local MySQL database engine interface.



Run this command to ensure that the database has been created:

echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password' -h localhost


The last command should output something like:



Operating System Kernel Settings

NDOUtils uses the kernel message queue for transferring the data from Nagios to NDOUtils. We are going to increase the default values the Kernel boots with to ensure it operates optimally.

First create a backup copy of the /etc/sysctl.conf and /boot/loader.conf files:

cp /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf_backup
cp /boot/loader.conf /boot/loader.conf_backup


Now make the required changes:

sed -i '' '/msgmnb/d' /boot/loader.conf
sed -i '' '/msgmax/d' /boot/loader.conf
sed -i '' '/shmmax/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
sed -i '' '/shmall/d' /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "\n\nkern.ipc.msgmnb = 131072000\n" >> /boot/loader.conf
printf "kern.ipc.msgmax = 131072000\n" >> /boot/loader.conf
printf "\n\nkern.ipc.shmmax = 4294967295\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
printf "kern.ipc.shmall = 268435456\n" >> /etc/sysctl.conf


You need to reboot the system to ensure the new settings are active in the kernel:



Downloading NDOUtils Source

cd /tmp
wget -O ndoutils.tar.gz https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/ndoutils/archive/ndoutils-2.1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf ndoutils.tar.gz


Compile NDOUtils

cd /tmp/ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/
gmake all


Install Binaries

This step installs the binary files.

gmake install


Initialize Database

This prepares the database for NDOUtils.

cd db/
perl ./installdb -u 'ndoutils' -p 'ndoutils_password' -h 'localhost' -d nagios
cd ..


The command will produce output similar to the following:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist at ./installdb line 52.
** Creating tables for version 2.0.1
     Using mysql.sql for installation...
** Updating table nagios_dbversion

That first line of output that says failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist is expected, it's testing to make sure the database hasn't already been intiaialized.


Install Configuration Files

This installs the config files as well as configuring the MySQL credentials so NDOUtils can connect to the database.

The two config files are:


The following lines are defined in this file:


You should make sure the username and password are correct.



No changes are required in this file.


Using the default username and password the following commands install the configuration files and make the required changes.

gmake install-config
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i '' 's/^db_user=.*/db_user=ndoutils/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sed -i '' 's/^db_pass=.*/db_pass=ndoutils_password/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg


Install Service / Daemon

This installs the service or daemon files and configure them to start on boot.

gmake install-init
echo '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ndo2db start' >> /etc/rc.local


Information on starting and stopping services will be explained further on.


Start Service / Daemon

This command starts the ndo2db service.

service ndo2db start


Update Nagios To Use NDO Broker Module

Now you need to tell Nagios to use the NDO broker module. This is as simple as adding the following line to the nagios.cfg file:

broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg

The following commands will add that line as well as an extra line that explains what the module is for.

printf "\n\n# NDOUtils Broker Module\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
printf "broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg 


Restart Nagios

Now you need to restart Nagios to use the NDO broker module. Different Linux distributions have different methods of restarting Nagios Core. We will also check the status of the Nagios service to ensure it's running after these changes.

service nagios restart
service nagios status


The last command should show Nagios running:

nagios (pid 5345) is running...


Check NDOUtils Is Working

There are a couple of differtent ways to ensure NDO2DB is working.


This command will show Nagios successfully loaded the NDO module:

grep ndo /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log


The last command should output something like:

[1475544660] ndomod: NDOMOD 2.1.1 (09-06-2016) Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors
[1475544660] ndomod: Successfully connected to data sink.  0 queued items to flush.
[1475544660] ndomod registered for process data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for timed event data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for log data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for system command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for event handler data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for comment data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for downtime data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for flapping data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for program status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive program data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive host data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive service data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for external command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for aggregated status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for retention data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for state change data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'
[1475544660] Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.


This command will show you the database with populated data:

echo 'select * from nagios.nagios_logentries;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password'


The last command should output something like:

logentry_id    instance_id    logentry_time    entry_time    entry_time_usec    logentry_type    logentry_data    realtime_data    inferred_data_extracted
1    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868450    262144    ndomod registered for log data'    1    1
2    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868462    262144    ndomod registered for system command data'    1    1
3    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868467    262144    ndomod registered for event handler data'    1    1
4    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868472    262144    ndomod registered for notification data'    1    1
5    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868479    262144    ndomod registered for service check data'    1    1
6    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868486    262144    ndomod registered for host check data'    1    1
7    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868491    262144    ndomod registered for comment data'    11
8    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868496    262144    ndomod registered for downtime data'11
9    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869866    262144    ndomod registered for flapping data'11
10    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869878    262144    ndomod registered for program status data'    1    1
11    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869884    262144    ndomod registered for host status data'    1    1
12    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869888    262144    ndomod registered for service status data'    1    1
13    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869893    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive program data'    1    1
14    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869897    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive host data'    1    1
15    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869902    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive service data'    1    1
16    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869906    262144    ndomod registered for external command data'    1    1
17    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869911    262144    ndomod registered for aggregated status data'    1    1
18    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869915    262144    ndomod registered for retention data'1    1
19    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869920    262144    ndomod registered for contact data'    11
20    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871043    262144    ndomod registered for contact notification data'    1    1
21    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871055    262144    ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'    1    1
22    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871062    262144    ndomod registered for state change data'    1    1
23    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871067    262144    ndomod registered for contact status data'    1    1
24    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871072    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'    1    1
25    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871077    262144    Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.    1    1
26    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    874858    262144    Successfully launched command file worker with pid 6026    1    1


Service Commands

These commands are for starting / stopping / restarting / status ndo2db.

service ndo2db start
service ndo2db stop
service ndo2db restart
service ndo2db status





There are some issues with NDOUtils on Solaris that have been reported in the following GitHub issues:

ndo.sock is not deleted when service is disabled/stopped

cannot get ndo2db service to start when the -f argument is present

ndo2db service will not start if nagios user home directory does not exist



Installing MySQL is required.

pkg install --accept mysql-56 mysql-56/library mysql-56/client perl-5/dbd-mysql
pkgutil -i libmysqlclient18 mysql_dev pm_dbd_mysql pm_dbi
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/mysql/5.6/bin' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
mkdir /export/home/nagios


Start And Configure MySQL

Before configuring MySQL you must start the service and configure it to boot on startup.

svcadm enable mysql


Check that it is running:

ps ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

  3276 ?        S  0:00 /bin/sh /usr/mysql/5.6/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=
  3352 ?        S  0:00 /usr/mysql/5.6/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/5.


MySQL has been configured to start when the system boots.


Define MySQL Root Password

Now to define the password for the root account in MySQL.

The password being defined is 'mypassword' and will be used in future commands (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The 'single quotes' are used to define the boundaries of the password, this is extremely important when the password contains a space or special characters.

/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'mypassword'


Password Note:

In future commands you will see the password is provided using the -p argument like follows:

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


NOTE: It's very important to NOT put a space between the -p and the 'mypassword'.


Create Database

NDOUtils requires a database to be created which will be called nagios.

There will also be a dedicated user account called ndoutils with the password ndoutils_password (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The storage location of the database will be the default location that MySQL uses, this can be changed however it is not covered in this guide.

This command will connect to the local MySQL database engine interface.

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


Now execute these four commands (press Enter after each command):

CREATE USER 'ndoutils'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ndoutils_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nagios.* TO 'ndoutils'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION ; 


Now you can exit the local MySQL database engine interface.



Run this command to ensure that the database has been created:

echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password' -h localhost


The last command should output something like:



Kernel Settings

NDOUtils uses the kernel message queue for transferring the data from Nagios to NDOUtils.

Message queues have changed in Solaris as per this documentation:



This documentation does not provide any steps on adjusting the interprocess message message queue parameters (as seen in the other operating systems in this documentation). If you have information to improve this documentation please feel free to contact us.


Downloading NDOUtils Source

cd /tmp
wget -O ndoutils.tar.gz https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/ndoutils/archive/ndoutils-2.1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf ndoutils.tar.gz


Compile NDOUtils

cd /tmp/ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/
gmake all


Install Binaries

This step installs the binary files.

gmake install


Initialize Database

This prepares the database for NDOUtils.

cd db/
/opt/csw/bin/perl ./installdb -u 'ndoutils' -p 'ndoutils_password' -h 'localhost' -d nagios
cd ..


The command will produce output similar to the following:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist at ./installdb line 52.
** Creating tables for version 2.0.1
     Using mysql.sql for installation...
** Updating table nagios_dbversion

That first line of output that says failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist is expected, it's testing to make sure the database hasn't already been intiaialized.


Install Configuration Files

This installs the config files as well as configuring the MySQL credentials so NDOUtils can connect to the database.

The two config files are:


The following lines are defined in this file:


You should make sure the username and password are correct.



No changes are required in this file.


Using the default username and password the following commands install the configuration files and make the required changes.

gmake install-config
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
perl -p -i -e 's/^db_user=.*/db_user=ndoutils/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
perl -p -i -e 's/^db_pass=.*/db_pass=ndoutils_password/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg


Install Service / Daemon

This installs the service or daemon files and configure them to start on boot.

perl -p -i -e 's/cfg -f/cfg/g' startup/solaris-init.xml
gmake install-init

Information on starting and stopping services will be explained further on.


Start Service / Daemon

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting the ndo2db service.

svcadm enable ndo2db


Update Nagios To Use NDO Broker Module

Now you need to tell Nagios to use the NDO broker module. This is as simple as adding the following line to the nagios.cfg file:

broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg

The following commands will add that line as well as an extra line that explains what the module is for.


printf "\n\n# NDOUtils Broker Module\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
printf "broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg


Restart Nagios

Now you need to restart Nagios to use the NDO broker module. Different Linux distributions have different methods of restarting Nagios Core. We will also check the status of the Nagios service to ensure it's running after these changes.

svcadm disable nagios
svcadm enable nagios
svcs nagios


The last command should show Nagios running:

STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         15:42:02 svc:/application/nagios:default


Check NDOUtils Is Working

There are a couple of differtent ways to ensure NDO2DB is working.


This command will show Nagios successfully loaded the NDO module:

grep ndo /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log


The last command should output something like:

[1475544660] ndomod: NDOMOD 2.1.1 (09-06-2016) Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors
[1475544660] ndomod: Successfully connected to data sink.  0 queued items to flush.
[1475544660] ndomod registered for process data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for timed event data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for log data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for system command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for event handler data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for comment data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for downtime data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for flapping data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for program status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive program data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive host data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive service data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for external command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for aggregated status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for retention data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for state change data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'
[1475544660] Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.


This command will show you the database with populated data:

echo 'select * from nagios.nagios_logentries;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password'


The last command should output something like:

logentry_id    instance_id    logentry_time    entry_time    entry_time_usec    logentry_type    logentry_data    realtime_data    inferred_data_extracted
1    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868450    262144    ndomod registered for log data'    1    1
2    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868462    262144    ndomod registered for system command data'    1    1
3    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868467    262144    ndomod registered for event handler data'    1    1
4    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868472    262144    ndomod registered for notification data'    1    1
5    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868479    262144    ndomod registered for service check data'    1    1
6    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868486    262144    ndomod registered for host check data'    1    1
7    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868491    262144    ndomod registered for comment data'    11
8    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868496    262144    ndomod registered for downtime data'11
9    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869866    262144    ndomod registered for flapping data'11
10    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869878    262144    ndomod registered for program status data'    1    1
11    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869884    262144    ndomod registered for host status data'    1    1
12    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869888    262144    ndomod registered for service status data'    1    1
13    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869893    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive program data'    1    1
14    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869897    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive host data'    1    1
15    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869902    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive service data'    1    1
16    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869906    262144    ndomod registered for external command data'    1    1
17    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869911    262144    ndomod registered for aggregated status data'    1    1
18    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869915    262144    ndomod registered for retention data'1    1
19    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869920    262144    ndomod registered for contact data'    11
20    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871043    262144    ndomod registered for contact notification data'    1    1
21    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871055    262144    ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'    1    1
22    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871062    262144    ndomod registered for state change data'    1    1
23    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871067    262144    ndomod registered for contact status data'    1    1
24    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871072    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'    1    1
25    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871077    262144    Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.    1    1
26    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    874858    262144    Successfully launched command file worker with pid 6026    1    1


Service Commands

These commands are for starting / stopping / restarting / status ndo2db.

svcadm enable ndo2db
svcadm disable ndo2db
svcadm restart ndo2db
svcs ndo2db
svcs -xv ndo2db


The following KB article has important information on Solaris and services:

How To Clear Solaris Service Maintenance Status




Apple OS X

There is an issue with NDOUtils on Apple OS X that have been reported in the following GitHub issue:

Symbol not found: ___nagios_object_structure_version



Installing MySQL is required.

This assumes that Xcode and MacPorts is already installed, which is detailed in this Nagios Core install guide:

Installing Nagios Core From Source

Once you've done this, follow these steps in a terminal session:

sudo port install mysql56-server
sudo port select mysql mysql56
sudo port install p5-dbd-mysql


Start And Configure MySQL

Before configuring MySQL you must start the service and configure it to boot on startup.

sudo -u _mysql mysql_install_db
sudo chown -R _mysql:_mysql /opt/local/var/db/mysql56/
sudo chown -R _mysql:_mysql /opt/local/var/run/mysql56/
sudo chown -R _mysql:_mysql /opt/local/var/log/mysql56/
sudo port load mysql56-server


Check that it is running:

ps -ax | grep mysql | grep -v grep


Which should output something like:

  573 ??         0:00.51 /opt/local/lib/mysql56/bin/mysqld


MySQL has been configured to start when the system boots.


Define MySQL Root Password

Now to define the password for the root account in MySQL.

The password being defined is 'mypassword' and will be used in future commands (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The 'single quotes' are used to define the boundaries of the password, this is extremely important when the password contains a space or special characters.

/opt/local/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'mypassword'


Password Note:

In future commands you will see the password is provided using the -p argument like follows:

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


NOTE: It's very important to NOT put a space between the -p and the 'mypassword'.


Create Database

NDOUtils requires a database to be created which will be called nagios.

There will also be a dedicated user account called ndoutils with the password ndoutils_password (we suggest you use a more secure password).

The storage location of the database will be the default location that MySQL uses, this can be changed however it is not covered in this guide.

This command will connect to the local MySQL database engine interface.

mysql -u root -p'mypassword'


Now execute these four commands (press Enter after each command):

CREATE USER 'ndoutils'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ndoutils_password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nagios.* TO 'ndoutils'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION ; 


Now you can exit the local MySQL database engine interface.



Run this command to ensure that the database has been created:

echo 'show databases;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password' -h localhost


The last command should output something like:



Kernel Settings

NDOUtils uses the kernel message queue for transferring the data from Nagios to NDOUtils. This documentation does not provide any steps on adjusting the interprocess message message queue parameters (as seen in the other operating systems in this documentation). If you have information to improve this documentation please feel free to contact us.


Downloading NDOUtils Source

cd /tmp
curl -L -o ndoutils.tar.gz https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/ndoutils/archive/ndoutils-2.1.3.tar.gz
tar xzf ndoutils.tar.gz


Compile NDOUtils

cd /tmp/ndoutils-ndoutils-2.1.3/
sudo ./configure
sudo make all


Install Binaries

This step installs the binary files.

sudo make install


Initialize Database

This prepares the database for NDOUtils.

cd db/
sudo perl ./installdb -u 'ndoutils' -p 'ndoutils_password' -h 'localhost' -d nagios
cd ..


The command will produce output similar to the following:

DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist at ./installdb line 52.
** Creating tables for version 2.0.1
     Using mysql.sql for installation...
** Updating table nagios_dbversion

That first line of output that says failed: Table 'nagios.nagios_dbversion' doesn't exist is expected, it's testing to make sure the database hasn't already been intiaialized.


Install Configuration Files

This installs the config files as well as configuring the MySQL credentials so NDOUtils can connect to the database.

The two config files are:


The following lines are defined in this file:


You should make sure the username and password are correct.



No changes are required in this file.


Using the default username and password the following commands install the configuration files and make the required changes.

sudo make install-config
sudo mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sudo sed -i '' 's/^db_user=.*/db_user=ndoutils/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sudo sed -i '' 's/^db_pass=.*/db_pass=ndoutils_password/g' /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndo2db.cfg
sudo mv /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg-sample /usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg


Install Service / Daemon

This installs the service or daemon files and configure them to start on boot.

sudo make install-init


Information on starting and stopping services will be explained further on.


Start Service / Daemon

Different Linux distributions have different methods of starting the ndo2db service.

sudo launchctl start org.nagios.ndo2db


Update Nagios To Use NDO Broker Module

Now you need to tell Nagios to use the NDO broker module. This is as simple as adding the following line to the nagios.cfg file:

broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg

The following commands will add that line as well as an extra line that explains what the module is for.

sudo sh -c 'printf "\n\n# NDOUtils Broker Module\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg'
sudo sh -c 'printf "broker_module=/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o config_file=/usr/local/nagios/etc/ndomod.cfg\n" >> /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg'


Restart Nagios

Now you need to restart Nagios to use the NDO broker module. Different Linux distributions have different methods of restarting Nagios Core. We will also check the status of the Nagios service to ensure it's running after these changes.

sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios restart
sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios status

The last command should show Nagios running:

nagios (pid 5345) is running...


Check NDOUtils Is Working

There are a couple of differtent ways to ensure NDO2DB is working.


This command will show Nagios successfully loaded the NDO module:

grep ndo /usr/local/nagios/var/nagios.log


The last command should output something like:

[1475544660] ndomod: NDOMOD 2.1.1 (09-06-2016) Copyright (c) 2009 Nagios Core Development Team and Community Contributors
[1475544660] ndomod: Successfully connected to data sink.  0 queued items to flush.
[1475544660] ndomod registered for process data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for timed event data
[1475544660] ndomod registered for log data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for system command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for event handler data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host check data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for comment data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for downtime data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for flapping data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for program status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for host status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for service status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive program data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive host data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive service data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for external command data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for aggregated status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for retention data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact notification data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for state change data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for contact status data'
[1475544660] ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'
[1475544660] Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.


This command will show you the database with populated data:

echo 'select * from nagios.nagios_logentries;' | mysql -u ndoutils -p'ndoutils_password'


The last command should output something like:

logentry_id    instance_id    logentry_time    entry_time    entry_time_usec    logentry_type    logentry_data    realtime_data    inferred_data_extracted
1    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868450    262144    ndomod registered for log data'    1    1
2    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868462    262144    ndomod registered for system command data'    1    1
3    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868467    262144    ndomod registered for event handler data'    1    1
4    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868472    262144    ndomod registered for notification data'    1    1
5    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868479    262144    ndomod registered for service check data'    1    1
6    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868486    262144    ndomod registered for host check data'    1    1
7    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868491    262144    ndomod registered for comment data'    11
8    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    868496    262144    ndomod registered for downtime data'11
9    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869866    262144    ndomod registered for flapping data'11
10    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869878    262144    ndomod registered for program status data'    1    1
11    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869884    262144    ndomod registered for host status data'    1    1
12    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869888    262144    ndomod registered for service status data'    1    1
13    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869893    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive program data'    1    1
14    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869897    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive host data'    1    1
15    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869902    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive service data'    1    1
16    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869906    262144    ndomod registered for external command data'    1    1
17    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869911    262144    ndomod registered for aggregated status data'    1    1
18    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869915    262144    ndomod registered for retention data'1    1
19    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    869920    262144    ndomod registered for contact data'    11
20    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871043    262144    ndomod registered for contact notification data'    1    1
21    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871055    262144    ndomod registered for acknowledgement data'    1    1
22    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871062    262144    ndomod registered for state change data'    1    1
23    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871067    262144    ndomod registered for contact status data'    1    1
24    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871072    262144    ndomod registered for adaptive contact data'    1    1
25    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    871077    262144    Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/ndomod.o' initialized successfully.    1    1
26    1    2016-10-04 12:31:00    2016-10-04 12:31:00    874858    262144    Successfully launched command file worker with pid 6026    1    1


Service Commands

These commands are for starting / stopping / restarting / status ndo2db.

sudo launchctl start org.nagios.ndo2db
sudo launchctl stop org.nagios.ndo2db




Service Restart Order

When restarting the MySQL / Mariadb, NDOUtils and Nagios services you should take the following into consideration.

Nagios depends on NDOUtils.

NDOUtils depends on MySQL / Mariadb.

Hence if you wanted to restart the MySQL / Mariadb service it is advisable to stop Nagios first and then NDOUtils. After the MySQL / Mariadb service is up again you can then start NDOUtils followed by Nagios.

Following this method ensures data is correctly written to the database. You don't specifically have to follow this order, both Nagios and NDOUtils will queue the data until the dependent service is available again.





Final Thoughts

This completes the installation of NDOUtils and configuring Nagios to use the NDO broker module.

For any support related questions please visit the Nagios Support Forums at:


emerge --config =dev-db/mysql-5.6.35

Article ID: 406
Created On: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 11:06 PM
Last Updated On: Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 3:08 AM
Authored by: tlea

Online URL: https://support.nagios.com/kb/article/ndoutils-installing-ndoutils-406.html