Nagios Log Server - Cluster Timezone Settings


Nagios Log Server needs the system and all of it's components to be configured with the correct timezone.

This article explains how to configure the timezone and also explains all the components and how to check them.



Setting The Cluster Timezone


The remaining steps will show you all the areas where the timezone settings are defined. We will use America/Los_Angeles for this KB article, but be mindful that you must substitute your actual country/city. You will need to establish a terminal session to a Nagios Log Server node as a root user. You should verify all the nodes are correct by executing all the commands on all the nodes.



Editing Files

In steps of this article you will be required to edit files. This documentation will use the vi text editor. When using the vi



Verify The System Timezone


RHEL 7 + | CentOS 7 +

The timedatectl command is used to configure the timezone. You can display a list of available timezones with the following command:

timedatectl list-timezones


The timezones are listed by country/city and include daylight savings time adjustments. The command above can be piped to the grep command to help search for your timezone, for example:

timedatectl list-timezones | grep Los


This will produce the following output:



Then you use the timedatectl command to configure the timezone:

timedatectl set-timezone America/Los_Angeles


Running the timedatectl command by itself will produce a summary, which will have the following line:

Time zone: America/Los_Angeles (PST, -0800)



Debian | Ubuntu

The dpkg-reconfigure command is used to configure the timezone. Use the following command to set the timezone:

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata


Select the appropriate region and this completes the required steps.



PHP Timezone

This change needs to be made to your php.ini file, to determine the location of this file execute the following command:

find /etc -name php.ini

If there are multiple results then the one in the apache directory is the one that needs changing.


Change the date.timezone = line to:

date.timezone =  America/Los_Angeles

When you have finished, save the changes.


Once the change has been made you will have to restart Apache for the changes to take effect using one of the commands below:


RHEL 7 + | CentOS 7 +

systemctl restart httpd.service


Debian | Ubuntu 16/18/20

systemctl restart apache2.service



Restart Logstash

If you manually change any of the timezone settings outside of the GUI interface you will need to restart the logstash service using one of the commands below:


RHEL 7 + | CentOS 7 + | Oracle Linux 7 + | Debian | Ubuntu 16/18/20

systemctl restart logstash.service



Final Thoughts

For any support related questions please visit the Nagios Support Forums at:

Article ID: 485
Created On: Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 10:19 PM
Last Updated On: Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 1:55 PM
Authored by: tlea

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