Nagios Log Server - Jobs Subsystem Architecture

Jobs Subsystem Overview

The jobs subsystem of Nagios Log Server runs on every Log Server instance, and is responsible for running jobs that are scheduled to run.  Jobs can be scheduled to run on a specific instance (local jobs) or they can be run on any single instance (global jobs). Additionally, a job can be schedule to run just once, or it can be scheduled to run on a given frequency, e.g. daily, hourly, etc.


Example Jobs


Many global jobs are able to be run from the Admin > System > Command Subsystem page:




Architecture Components And Execution Flow

The jobs subsystem starts every minute via a cron located at /etc/cron.d/nagioslogserver and runs as the nagios user:


This cron executes a loop that runs every 5 seconds to perform the following actions:

  1. Query the elasticsearch index to get a list of local jobs scheduled to be executed this instance.

    1. Execute function in command field

    2. Update the Audit Report with results _type = JOBS

  2. Query the elasticsearch index to get a list of global jobs that need to be executed.

    1. Execute function in command field

    2. Update the Audit Report with results _type = JOBS

 NOTE: Global jobs are jobs that ANY instance may process, they are NOT executed by all instances.




The general flow of execution of the jobs subsystem works as follows:

  1. The jobs.php controller runs as a background process and executes the commands in the process_jobs() method.  The jobs.php script is located at /var/www/html/nagioslogserver/application/controllers/jobs.php and runs under cron every minute.  The cron job is defined in /etc/cron.d/nagioslogserver

  2. The jobs.php script executes the functions listed in the process_jobs() method, and the functions will be located in the cmdsubsys_helper.php located at /var/www/html/nagioslogserver/application/helpers/cmdsubsys_helper.php

  3. The poller cron saves output of the run in /var/www/html/nagioslogserver/var/jobs.log



Troubleshooting Problems

Some potential problems with the jobs subsystem, as well as troubleshooting information are listed below:

Problem: Daily Backups are not being processes or alerts are not being run on designated interval

Potential Causes:



Final Thoughts

For any support related questions please visit the Nagios Support Forums at:

Article ID: 65
Created On: Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 3:12 PM
Last Updated On: Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 9:31 PM
Authored by: swilkerson

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