Nagios XI - Cleaner Cron Architecure

Cleaner Cron Overview

The cleaner cron job of Nagios XI is responsible for removing old configuration snapshots as well as responding to callbacks registered for CALLBACK_SUBSYS_CLEANER.  These callbacks may be added to components for items that may need to be ran once per minute.


Architecture Components And Execution Flow

The general flow of execution of the Cleaner cron works as follows:

  1. The cleaner.php script runs as a background process.  The cleaner.php script is located at /usr/local/nagiosxi/cron/cleaner.php and runs under cron every one minute.  The cron job is defined in /etc/cron.d/nagiosxi

  2. The cleaner.php script removes old NagiosQL backup files

  3. The cleaner.php script removes old configuration snapshot, keeping just the latest 10 successful and 10 errors

  4. The cleaner.php script runs any callbacks targeting CALLBACK_SUBSYS_CLEANER


Troubleshooting Problems

Some potential problems with the Event Manager subsystem, as well as troubleshooting information are listed below:

Problem: Admin -> Configuration Snapshot list does not get truncated to 10 entries and continues to add new snapshots every time configuration is applied.

Potential Causes:


Final Thoughts

For any support related questions please visit the Nagios Support Forums at:

Article ID: 71
Created On: Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 12:27 PM
Last Updated On: Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 10:40 PM
Authored by: swilkerson

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