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  1. Nagios Log Server - ESXi Syslog Config ESXi Syslog Config This document describes how to configure your ESXi server to send syslog messages to the Nagios Log Server. Documentation - ESXi Syslog Config   Final Thoughts For any support related questions please visit the Nagios Support Foru... Read More
  2. Nagios XI - XI Server Considerations Overview This guide on Best Practices is about the Nagios XI server and different considerations you can take in relation to it's configuration.   XI Server Considerations Date and Timezone Make sure your XI server has its timezone correctly d... Read More
  3. Nagios Log Server - Logs Not Searchable or Not Coming In Overview When running a query in a dashboard, logs are not showing up when they should be. This guide will go through the steps to diagnose what is causing the issue. This article will use a scenario of a remote server sending syslogs to help provide... Read More
  4. Nagios Log Server - Overview And Terminology High Level Overview Nagios Log Server is an application that provides organizations a central location to send their machine generated data, (e.g., Windows Eventlogs, Linux syslogs, mail server logs, web server logs, application logs, etc.), which ... Read More
  5. Nagios Log Server - Configuration Overview Log Server Configuration Overview Nagios Log Server utilizes logstash for collecting logs from various systems.  Logstash has an extensive list of different inputs, filters and outputs available, and Log Server gives users the ability to configure t... Read More
  6. Nagios Log Server - Poller Subsystem Architecture Poller Subsystem Overview The poller subsystem of Nagios Log Server runs on every instance. In addition to updating the elasticsearch database with the current running configuration, the poller subsystem also updates service state information for all... Read More
  7. NSCA Server - Debug Logging Debug Logging These steps explain how to enable the NSCA server to perform debug logging. This is useful for determining exactly what NSCA is doing with the check results it receives. Before proceeding, you would have confirmed that the server is rec... Read More
  8. Nagios Log Server - Jobs Subsystem Architecture Jobs Subsystem Overview The jobs subsystem of Nagios Log Server runs on every Log Server instance, and is responsible for running jobs that are scheduled to run.  Jobs can be scheduled to run on a specific instance (local jobs) or they can be run on... Read More
  9. Nagios Log Server - Data Backup and Archiving Log Server Data Backup and Archiving Overview Backups and Archiving of Data is separated in to two different types of backups: the backup of ingested log data, and the backup of system/cluster information.     Log Data Backups The process that perf... Read More
  10. Nagios XI - Log Server Integration Wizard Nagios Log Server Wizard Overview This document describes how a user can integrate Nagios Log Server with Nagios XI using the Nagios Log Server Wizard. It will describe how to configure the wizard with your Nagios Log Server and how to customize the ... Read More
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