Password changes not forking

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Password changes not forking

Post by thenomad »

So I have forgotten the password for this application but changing it through the lost password function at the gui or changing it directly from console does not actually change the password to allow me to log in ...

this is the command being used
/usr/local/nagiosna/scripts/ -p {password}
The password has been set for nagiosadmin user.
but it does not actually change

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Re: Password changes not forking

Post by tgriep »

Login to the NNA server as root and reset the password again to a simple password. If you were using a complex password before, that will rule out that as a cause.

This time, restart Apache on the NNA server

Code: Select all

service httpd restart
Open your web browser and clear the cache.
See if you can login to the GUI with the new password.
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