repair database issue

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repair database issue

Post by JohnFLi »

I ran:

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awk '/"nagiosxi" => array\(/{getline;print}' /usr/local/nagiosxi/html/
it returned: "dbtype" => 'mysql',
then i ran:

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all was good except for 1 item

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myisamchk: error: 'nagios_systemcommands' is not a MyISAM-table
i ran

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mysqlcheck -f -r -u root -pnagiosxi --all-databases
all was good except:

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nagios.nagios_statehistory                         OK
Error    : Incorrect file format 'nagios_systemcommands'
error    : Corrupt
nagios.nagios_timedeventqueue                      OK
nagios.nagios_timedevents                          OK
how do I fix this?
Everybody is somebody else’s weirdo
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Re: repair database issue

Post by JohnFLi »

I found teh fix for was in Nagios documentation already ... tabase.pdf

on page 4 it says:

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If you receive an error, similar to this one:
Error : Incorrect file format 'nagios_systemcommands'
error : Corrupt
You will need to execute the following command to fix the table:
service mysqld start
echo 'repair table nagios_systemcommands use_frm;' | mysql -t -u root -pnagiosxi nagios
service mysqld restart
Then check the log file for errors
When I tried to start the service, i was told

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# service mysqld start
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start mysqld.service
Failed to start mysqld.service: Unit not found.
ran the command anyway:

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echo 'repair table nagios_systemcommands use_frm;' | mysql -t -u root -pnagiosxi nagios
The result:

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 echo 'repair table nagios_systemcommands use_frm;' | mysql -t -u root -pnagiosxi nagios
| Table                        | Op     | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| nagios.nagios_systemcommands | repair | status   | OK       |

tried the restart

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service mysqld restart
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart mysqld.service
Failed to restart mysqld.service: Unit not found.
so I ran the original repair anyway

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and now:

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nagios database repair succeeded
nagiosql database repair succeeded
nagiosxi database repair succeeded
Everybody is somebody else’s weirdo
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Re: repair database issue

Post by gwesterman »

Glad you found the solution!

Let us know if you have any other questions.

Thank you!