Nagios Fusion Installation Log
DATE: Mon Nov 5 03:16:50 CST 2018
Nagios Fusion Installer
This script will do a complete install of Nagios Fusion by executing all necessary sub-scripts.
IMPORTANT: This script should only be used on a 'clean' install of CentOS, RHEL, Ubuntu or Debian. To create such a clean install you should have
selected ONLY the 'Base' package in the OS installer.
Proceeding with installation...
Checking MySQL credentials...
MySQL not yet installed - that's okay.
Oracle Linux is NOT a supported OS. You would need to install Fusion on RHEL or CentOS.
Platform Support
As of the time of writing, Nagios Enterprises is only able to officially provide support for installing Nagios Fusion on the following Linux Distributions:
• RHEL 6.x 32-bit and 64-bit, RHEL 7.x
• CentOS 6.x 32-bit and 64-bit, CentOS 7.x
Can we tweak the install script to install on OEL 7.x ?
You are welcome to try. It is possible that Fusion will install and work on Oracle.
Will this setup be supported by you folks ?
Not officially, no. We will always try to help if we can, but we cannot guarantee that Fusion would work as intended if it is installed on a non-supported OS.
Be sure to check out our Knowledgebase for helpful articles and solutions!
Dell will cover OS level support for OEL 7.x
And we have been running many a apps and never faced any compatibility issue due to compatibility with RHEL 7.x
Can you provide support for only the Nagios Fusion part ?
Am getting the below error while retrieving password :
NOTE: email has the default values ( root@localhost or nagios@localhost )
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.
Are you trying to log in with the nagiosadmin's password that you created on the "initial setup" or the password that you created for the AD/LDAP user?
Can you run the following command from the command line and show the output?