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Nagios Community Bounties Idea List

Nagios Community Bounty Ideas List

Here are some ideas for the community bounty program in regards to technical documentation, technical videos, and plugin and addon development.

NOTE: This list is just a list of ideas.  These are not set in stone, and bounty participation is not limited to the ideas listed below.  Once you are accepted into the bounty program, you will be able to submit any development, documentation, or video idea directly to the Nagios team via Slack for approval to move forward.

Want to participate in the community bounty program?  Sign up here to start the process and join the team!

Development Ideas

The purpose of development bounties is to allow for:

* The creation of new plugins and addons for Nagios solutions (commercial or Open Source)
* The enhancement of existing Open Source Nagios plugins and addons (many of which can be found on Nagios Exchange)
* The creation of scripts for installing and upgrading Nagios plugins and addons

Ideas For Specific Development Projects:

* Develop fixes and enhancements for plugins and addons on Nagios Exchange that are popular and/or useful
* Develop new plugins for monitoring services, applications, and technologies for which a plugin does not currently exist
* Develop new addons for Nagios solutions (commercial or Open Source) that provide specific value to the IT community (e.g. for improving SNMP trap handling capabilities, scalability, integration, etc)

NOTE: Development ideas/proposals will need to get the go-ahead from the Nagios team before a bounty reward can be finalized.


Documentation And Video Topic Ideas

The purpose of documentation and video bounties is to allow for:

* Helping to share useful information and solutions with the Nagios Community

Ideas For Specific Video and Documentation Projects:

* How to install and use popular Nagios plugins and addons from Nagios Exchange or third-party sites
* How to monitor specific things with Nagios (e.g. DNS services, DHCP, Windows Servers, VMware, EC2, Kubernetes, etc)

NOTE: Documentation and video ideas/proposals will need to get the go-ahead from the Nagios team before a bounty reward can be finalized. 



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Nagios Community Bounties For Tech Articles, Videos, And Troubleshooting Help
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