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NRDP - send_nrdp Client


This KB article explains the send_nrdp NRDP clients that are available and how to use them. In the current release of NRDP the following client scripts are available:


The following topics are also discussed:




To use the NRDP client you require the following:


    • This is the address that the NRDP server can be contacted on, for example:


  • NRDP Token

    • The token is the authentication method to connect to the NRDP server, it's like a password, for example:

    • XXXXX




This client is a PHP script, which means that the PHP language needs to be installed on the machine you are executing it on.



./send_nrdp.php --url=<url> --token=<token> --host=<hostname> [--service=<servicename>] --state=<state> --output=<output> [--usestdin] [--delim=\t]

<url> = The URL used to access the remote NRDP agent.
<token> = The secret token used to access the remote NRDP agent.
<hostname> = The name of the host associated with the passive host/service check result.
<servicename> = For service checks, the name of the service associated with the passive check result.
<state> = An integer indicating the current state of the host or service.
<output> = Text output to be sent as the passive check result. Newlines should be encoded with encoded newlines (\n).
<usestdin> = Accept check result data from STDIN instead of --host,--service,--state,--output flags
Each line contains a check result in the format of:
<delim> = The delimeter (DELIM above) to use when processing from STDIN. The default is \t (TAB)

Send a passive host or service check result to a remote Nagios instance using the NRDP agent.


Host example with an UP state:

./send_nrdp.php --url= --token=XXXXX --host=centos01 --state=0 --output="The host is up and OK"


Service example with a WARNING state:

./send_nrdp.php --url= --token=XXXXX --host=centos01 --service="Disk Usage" --state=1 --output="WARNING: The disk is 75% full"




This client is a Python script, which means that the Python language needs to be installed on the machine you are executing it on.



./send_nrdp.py --help
usage: send_nrdp.py [-h] [-u URL] [-t TOKEN] [-H HOSTNAME] [-s SERVICE]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL ** REQUIRED ** The URL used to access the remote NRDP agent.
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
** REQUIRED ** The authentication token used to access the
remote NRDP agent.
The name of the host associated with the passive host/service
check result.
-s SERVICE, --service SERVICE
For service checks, the name of the service associated with the
passive check result.
-S STATE, --state STATE
An integer indicating the current state of the host or service.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Text output to be sent as the passive check result.
Newlines should be encoded with encoded newlines (\n).
-f FILE, --file FILE This file will be sent to the NRDP server specified in -u
The file should be an XML file in the following format:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<checkresult type="host" checktype="1">
<checkresult type="service" checktype="1">
-d DELIM, --delim DELIM
With only the required parameters send_nrdp.py is capable of
processing data piped to it either from a file or other process.
By default, we use t (\t) as the delimiter however this may be
specified with the -d option data should be in the following
formats of one entry per line:
printf "<hostname>\t<state>\t<output>\n"
printf "<hostname>\t<service>\t<state>\t<output>\n"
1 for passive 0 for active


Host example with an UP state:

./send_nrdp.py -u -t XXXXX -H centos01 -S 0 -o "The host is up and OK"


Service example with a WARNING state:

./send_nrdp.py -u -t XXXXX -H centos01 -s "Disk Usage" -S 1 -o "WARNING: The disk is 75% full"


With the Python script it is important that the URL ends with a /




This client is a shell script, which means that the shell language needs to be installed on the machine you are executing it on.



./send_nrdp.sh -h

send_nrdp.sh Revision 0.6.1 - Send NRDP script for Nagios

Usage: send_nrdp.sh -u URL -t token [options]

Usage: send_nrdp.sh -h display help

This script is used to send NRDP data to a Nagios server

-u, URL of NRDP server. Usually http://<IP_ADDRESS>/nrdp/
-t, Shared token. Must be the same token set in NRDP Server

Single Check:
-H host name
-s service name
-S State
-o output

[-d delimiter] (default -d "\t")
With only the required parameters send_nrdp.sh is capable of
processing data piped to it either from a file or other
process. By default, we use \t as the delimiter however this
may be specified with the -d option data should be in the
following formats one entry per line.
For Host checks:
hostname State output
For Service checks
hostname servicename State output

-f /full/path/to/file
This file will be sent to the NRDP server specified in -u
The file should be an XML file in the following format

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<checkresult type="host" checktype="1">
<checkresult type="service" checktype="1">

-D /path/to/temp/dir
This is a directory that contains XML files in the format
above. Additionally, if the -d flag is specified, send_nrdp.sh
will create temp files here if the server could not be reached.
On additional calls with the same -D path, if a connection to
the server is successful, all temp files will be sent.


Host example with an UP state:

./send_nrdp.sh -u -t XXXXX -H centos01 -S 0 -o "The host is up and OK"


Service example with a WARNING state:

./send_nrdp.sh -u -t XXXXX -H centos01 -s "Disk Usage" -S 1 -o "WARNING: The disk is 75% full"


These commands will produce output like:

Sent 1 checks to




The scripts are capable of using the standard input (STDIN), commonly done by piping a correctly formatted text string to the send_nrdp client.

By default, \t (tab) is the delimiter. The string should be in the following formats.

Host Checks:

hostname    State    output

Service Checks:

hostname    servicename    State    output


The printf command allows you to generate that format. In addition, it is good practice to add a new line \n to the end of the string.

A Host Check:

printf "centos01\t0\tThe host is up and OK\n"

A Service Check:

printf "centos01\tDisk Usage\t1\tWARNING: The disk is 75%% full\n"


It's also important to note that I needed to use a %% twice so that it is escaped, otherwise it would generate WARNING: The disk is 75 0.000000ull due to how printf works.


Now that you have the format, piping the text string to the send_nrdp client is done like so.


printf "centos01\t0\tThe host is up and OK\n" | ./send_nrdp.py -u -t XXXXX



printf "centos01\t0\tThe host is up and OK\n" | ./send_nrdp.php --url= --token=XXXXX --usestdin



printf "centos01\t0\tThe host is up and OK\n" | ./send_nrdp.sh -u -t XXXXX


This command will produce output like:

Sent 1 checks to


Multiple checks can be sent in the one text string:

printf "centos01\t0\tThe host is up and OK\ncentos01\tDisk Usage\t1\tWARNING: The disk is 75%% full\n" | ./send_nrdp.sh -u -t XXXXX


This command will produce output like:

Sent 2 checks to




Using An XML File

The send_nrdp.sh script is capable of using an XML formatted file. Here is an example of an XML file with a host check result:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<checkresult type="host" checktype="1">
<output>The host is up and OK</output>


Multiple check results can be included in an XML file. Here is an example of an XML file with a host AND service check result:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<checkresult type="host" checktype="1">
<output>The host is up and OK</output>
<checkresult type="service" checktype="1">
<servicename>Disk Usage</servicename>
<output>WARNING: The disk is 75% full</output>


Now that you have the format, using the send_nrdp client with the file is done like so.


The send_nrdp.php script does not currently support check results from an XML file.



./send_nrdp.py -u -t XXXXX -f /tmp/nrdp.xml



./send_nrdp.sh -u -t XXXXX -f /tmp/nrdp.xml



Multiple check results can be included in an XML file. Here is an example of an XML file with a host AND service check result:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<checkresult type="host" checktype="1">
<output>The host is up and OK</output>
<checkresult type="service" checktype="1">
<servicename>Disk Usage</servicename>
<output>WARNING: The disk is 75% full</output>




Final Thoughts

For any support related questions please visit the Nagios Support Forums at:


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